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tim arnot

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Posts posted by tim arnot

  1. I like the sound of that, but I have some questions:

    1. If Emma-X isn't out, will it be okay to start from a nearby alternate?

    2. You've said that the search airfields won't be default, so will additional scenery be required beyond your AFCADS/bgls?

    3: Will your AFCADs work in FSX? (should be a matter of saving them in FSX format from AFX...)

    What might be good is if you allow an extended time period for completion of the event so everyone can have a good crack at it at a reasonably sensible time of day. Just don't allow posting of results until the whole event has closed :wink:

  2. I remember a report in the papers a few years ago about a guy that spent many years, thousands of pounds and two divorces building a giant model 4-engine radio controlled jet. Then finally having finished it, naturally wanted to fly it at air shows. Predictably, on the competency test flight, in front of a CAA inspector.... crashed it!

  3. Congrats on the scan mate :D

    Even if the condition prevents you getting a PPL, you can still take lessons - the lack of a medical will only prevent you from going solo. There are always people looking for someone to sit in the right-hand seat and "help with the nav" and handle the radios...

  4. We have a large bonfire in process of being built at the back of the clubhouse (it'll probably need an ANO obstacle light by the time it's finished), and a pro fireworks guy (no, not that guy!) booked, and there are several worried-looking pigs (the pig farm is two fields from the 26 threshold) - bangers (sausages) onna stick are traditional.

    I was quite surprised last year to discover Guy Fawkes being celebrated in New Zealand -- I had thought it was a peculiarly British thing (obviously, we don't celebrate 4th July!)

    Penny for the guy, guv?

  5. That said, folks do link it to their aviation GPS units. I really don't understand the attraction in that. I have three real GPS units but none of them accept external position inputs in any case -- they all OUTPUT such information, if required, in exactly the same way as GPSout. In this sense GPSout is a GPS simulator.

    My Garmin 296 provides facilities far beyond those in the FS internal GPS - roads, towns, obstacles, VRPs, user waypoints, terrain warnings, vertical nav profile, next heading alerts, etc, etc. Driving the 296 from FS helps keep me current on the device without the £110+/hour cost of renting a plane, and the potential danger of being distracted by the GPS at a critical time inside a real cockpit. The extra information means I can identify my position as Shipston-on-Stour, instead of 10 miles South of EGBW -- very important for situational awareness, particularly if you're a RW pilot (which is likely, given the cost of these things!). I even can program the 296 to work like an ILS, but there's no way I'm going to teach myself how it works in a real plane!

    In summary, the internal FS GPS is feature poor, and not even close to a simulation of a Garmin 295, despite what it says on the skin.

    As regards GPSOut, the FSX version is better than FS9. The functionality might be the same, but it is more stable. In FS9, it would glitch from time to time, and throw out a position report that was somewhere completely different (like maybe in the middle of the ocean), which could unsettle the GPS, and cause it to flag the current leg as completed when it wasn't. In FSX, the output is rock stable. The one feature I'd like to see that isn't present, is the ability to transfer flight plans back and forth. The FSX planner may be able to use user waypoints, but it's useless for trying to route via a town (say) if you have no indication of where that town is. I can accurately and quickly set up the flightplan on the Garmin (or retrieve it from stored memory), it would just be nice to have the ability to transfer it to FS. or vice versa even.

  6. Mostly real time. I've compressed one or two flights, but generally I try to plan the length of the trip according to the time available. I'm only averaging one flight a week though (on this project - there's other flying plus some scenery design I try to fit in :) ) -- I left Wellington, NZ on May 12th!

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