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tim arnot

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Posts posted by tim arnot

  1. I had exactly the same problem last year with FSInn (the Vatsim client). The installer fails if there is no trailing backslash on the registry key. And I can also confirm the Flight1 registry tool does *not* add it. Poor coding on the part of the installer writer (never assume...). The registry repair tool by MCDU *does* add the backslash, but finding it on their site poses its own unique challenge!

    For myself, I fixed the key by hand. It's pretty easy, but as Ian said, back up first, and only do it if you are comfortable with registry editing.

  2. Yup, I'm flying in... :D Of course, being me, I'm flying the World's Slowest Mooney from England (that's the original, not any "new" variety) :shock: . As usual, you can follow my trip on the screenshots forum.

    Anticipated arrival at KOSH (on Vatsim) is 23:00z, Wednesday 8)

  3. Now, who has the elite butt?... :shock:

    Since a butt is 162 gallons (US ones, sadly), it's going to be a very interesting race, assuming (a) the butts are filled with "the usual", and (b) anyone manages to get past the first one,. or should that be, fails to stop...

    Not sure why the logo should be a monkey's arse... Oh, no wait, I have drunk the beer and followed it up with the curry, and that goes a long way towards explaining it. Just don't follow me with a lighted match, okay?

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