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tim arnot

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Posts posted by tim arnot

  1. If that were true, there would be a shortage. There isn't. Where are the queues at petrol stations? Where's the rationing? Have the oil companies needed to ramp up production? No. There's loads of spare capacity in the system. This crisis is greed, pure and simple, driven mainly by the currency speculators. Eventually the bubble will burst.

    But if you think petrol is expensive, you should see the price of Avgas... $12.50 per US gallon. I mean, Gordon Bennett!*

    * Well, you didn't like blimey! :wink:

  2. That Beech accident was on Air Crash Investigation earlier this week. Basically, the aircraft was 500lbs over MTOW, with a C of C out of limits aft - the heaviest people were sat at the back, and the lightest at the front, plus the cargo hold was over filled to the extent the handlers had reported trouble closing the door. (the load sheet was based on average weights from the 1930s, when people were much slimmer). The plane rotated at the correct Vr -- for its calculated weight. All was fine until wheels up, which shifted the CofG even further back and tipped the nose up. The plane reached 1000ft at a nose up angle of about 60 degrees before it stalled and spun in, hitting the edge of a full hangar (the pilot was posthumously commended for actions averting a bigger disaster). 21 people died.

    The second major factor in the crash was poor maintenance. The aircraft had recently had its elevator cables adjusted, but 9 of the 22 steps in the procedure had been skipped (including checking 'full and free), leaving the elevator with only 7 degrees of down deflection instead of 14. This was enough for routine operation (there had been 9 flights since the maintenance), but insufficient to correct the nose high attitude from the aft C of G. Had the elevator had its full range of travel, the pilot would have been able to recover.

    This crash resulted in one of the rarest things -- an apology from the airline.

  3. RON95 unleaded hit €1.625 per liter yesterday on highway gasstations. Not sure what that does to AvGas prices, but it can't be good.

    I paid £1.11 yesterday for 95 ( after passing two petrol stations selling it at £1.13!). It's been relatively stable for a couple of weeks, but it has been going up by a penny a week for quite a long time.

  4. The bottom line of Falcon's post...?

    You haven't got the forums set to the "old style" have you? A few people don't seem to see links with that format enabled.

    Ian P

    Hmm... So I can see links OR attached screenshots in their completeness, depending on the forum setting. :roll:

    And this software was "upgraded" why?

  5. Why is it that all pirates speak with a Somerset accent?*

    Anyhow, seeing as we've already got a buyer for London, Somerset is now available for sale. YOU can "own" the pirate accent (think of the royalties!), two Bristol airports (a nice pair), a half share in the world's biggest tidal bore, and of course the right to 'gorge' on Cheddar cheese. Given the recent plummet of the US dollar, sterling offers only. No cheques.

    Also available in our ancient monuments series: Stonehinge, The Avebury Rung, The Rollright Stoves. assorted white hearses, Aslan's Stone Table, Pooh Bridge, and many more...

    (* Yes i know it came from Robert Newton in the 1950 Treasure Island film)

  6. ...can't we give it away? The rest of the country doesn't want it, after all... :mrgreen:

    We've tried. Nobody else wants it either! And now we have the fiasco that is called Terminal 5...

    BTW, it's England, with an a (or is that 'eh?') :wink:

  7. Yup. Bought them last year, after Columbia went bankrupt. All they've done is changed the badge. FS version of the 400 has been available from Eaglesoft for some time (although it still has the Columbia badge).

    These are not the droids you are looking for.

    Move along.

  8. If I read correctly from that that you've started RW flying lessons, good onya mate :D You'll love it! And at those prices I'm severely jealous! (It costs 3 times that here just to rent a 180HP Warrior/Tobago/172, and you can add another US$60 per hour for a QFI :shock: )

  9. Avgas has just gone up (again!). It's now around £1.59 per litre (although I've heard of it being more). So on Ian's numbers, that translates to US$12.72 per usg.

    And yes, there were landing/parking fees. But being France, they were considerably cheaper than the UK (about €30). In the UK, as soon as an airfield gets the slightest whiff of interest from a budget carrier, the charges go through the roof, and those "pesky little GA puddlejumpers" are made to feel most unwelcome. :evil:

    One airport (Shoreham) has even started charging for go-arounds!

    The Baron though, gets clobbered, because it's just the wrong side of the magic 2 tonnes limit.

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