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Aviation BoSs

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Everything posted by Aviation BoSs

  1. Sorry, I mean available by search using "google . com" :)
  2. Thank You for the clarifying :) , till NOW I just has purchased FSUIPC & PMDG737NGX, I do not have PMDG B747 v3 YET, since I'm a real FAN , I was wonder and worry Why The PMDG737 and PMDG777 Offset Mapping .pdf file is available on "google . com" but Never about PMDG747 v3 so I thought it doesn't exist even. but You just confirm and gave the tranquility that it's already among the Product(PMDG B747 v3) downloaded files :)
  3. Yes, I Mean it ; v3, the PMDG B747 v3 (the PMDG last product for the Queen of the Sky B747 ) :) I mean ; same The File as the Photo but for B747 v3 :)
  4. First of All, Thank You for Care about who could be interesting. and thanks for all Your effort. Yes, Yes Please (y) , Actually I'm :)
  5. Hi Paul.. I'm greatly appreciated Your help .. thank You so much
  6. I'm very thankful and appreciate your help but might be need abit further due to my limited programming level . While WRITE controls to PMDG , I can use FSUIPC by (send control and parameter) using visual studio, also do I have to use Events(ID/NAME) ? Can you make example of using PMDG EVENTS to write to PMDG ? Which programming language is used for SimConnect SDK ?
  7. While I'm coding to send control to PMDG through FSUIPC, Do I have to import SimConnect ??
  8. Hello Paul .. Thank You so much ..
  9. Hi Paul Could You please writr Write the C# Code In Visaual Visual basic ??
  10. Hello .. please I need help , I Try to purchase FSUIPC through a DOWNLOAD Method , But it's only Offers Delivery Method !!, How I can purchase FSUIPC via Downloading Method ???? any help please.
  11. Alright Pete. Thanks A lot
  12. Hello .. Excuse me if i'm posting in wrong section How I can read PMDG737NGX HDG bug value by visual basic ? I need a basic example
  13. Dim variation As Double = magVar.Value * 360D / 65536D ' convert bearing to magnetic bearing by subtracting the magnetic variation

  14. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) scores :FOOD 1/2 cup: ORAC ScorePrunes: 5770Raisins: 2830Blueberries: 2400Blackberries: 2036Kale: 1770Strawberries: 1540Spinach: 1260Raspberries: 1220

  15. Fine, thank you :) kindly regards Morgan
  16. Just checked in @ Sharm El Sheikh International Airport (SSH), El Salam Rd., South Sinai, Egypt http://her.is/NHkoA

  17. Well, sorry for that not enough clear phrase of the question, what i mean by the question regarding offsets; i pressed a button(input) for the landing gear comes down, but it's stuck(reaction of the A/C(aircraft) and it's the output via FSX up on that specific input that controlling landing gear handle) so in such case of building simulator cockpit i have to put that LED as indicator which monitering the state of landing gear position , in order to do that, i have to have know the offset to read the state of landing gear position(up/down/if stucked either) and here is my question, for ex. I got the an offset as You pleasent mention them,how would be the code to connect fsx and read back the state of landing gear position for me to make it as a LED indicator in my side of microcontroller interface board, regardless that hardware side, how would an example of writing a code(any language) to read back the state of whatever the system as outputs? sorry for delay
  18. i like such tutorials :)
  19. thank you, so much for such explanation, very useful
  20. Hi, i'm building my full b744 cockpit, i need a little help as my progress is on, how to code an offset to read the output data as a reaction of a/c ?
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