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Graham Pollitt

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Everything posted by Graham Pollitt

  1. http://fsuipc.simfli...Runways_464.zip MakeRwys is a simple utility which extracts sleected airport data from active scenery, basing its scan on the active SCENERY.CFG file. It produces data files for all versions of Radar Contact, for FStarRC, and for several other programs. It is suitable for FS2002, FS2004 and FSX.
  2. Which 'paid aircraft'? I know that PMDG (with the exception of the NGX which has the lights mapped to different offsets as per the manuals with FSUIPC) and Level-D lights cannot be accessed via standard addressed offsets and assume there will be many others that don't fully integrate themselves like the default aircraft.
  3. Start with this for the basics http://www.csharp-st...m/Tutorial.aspx then look at Pauls examples for interfacing with FS in the link from my last post. Play around, make mistakes, find and correct them etc. Just take your time and have fun
  4. Me too. Visa Debit is the same thing and that is only thing I use. Good luck and I hope you can get FSUIPC soon.....and then Pete can enjoy another few pints on his next trip to Germany :razz:
  5. Plenty of tutorials on the net to get you started as Pete has mentioned. For specifically connecting to FS via .Net use this as it is easier and reduces a lot of work straightaway. Paul has included a sample in c# for when you understand the basics http://forum.simflig...net-version-20/
  6. Assigning the Zoom In Fine and Zoom Out Fine modes work as they should but when I assign Zoom In and Zoom Out they are reversed? ie zoom in function assigned to a joystick button zooms out!
  7. Why don't you just start with 4.857 as there are other fixes inbetween those versions?
  8. Best way to check is open FS folder and watch the Makerwys.exe file. Run each applications database rebuild option. If the file disappears when a certain application is being run then that is culprit. I don't see why any of the applications would move/delete the file though. I have never seen this problem with any of the utilities I have run and I run it across a network too. EDIT - Misread your post; it appears you are already doing the above.
  9. pg 48 of the manual is a good place to look You can define that yourself in the keypress section.
  10. My n2 code Private fsEngine1N2 As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)("enginesn2", &H896) Public Engine1N2 As Decimal Private fsEngine2N2 As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)("enginesn2", &H92E) Public Engine2N2 As Decimal Private fsEngine3N2 As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)("enginesn2", &H9C6) Public Engine3N2 As Decimal Private fsEngine4N2 As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)("enginesn2", &HA5E) Public Engine4N2 As Decimal Public Sub getEnginesN2() FSUIPCConnection.Process("enginesn2") Me.Engine1N2 = Me.fsEngine1N2.Value * 100 / 16384 Me.Engine2N2 = Me.fsEngine2N2.Value * 100 / 16384 End Sub [/CODE] Check you have the maths side and variable types correct. It may also depend on the aircraft you are using. Some third party aircraft won't write the correct values, if any, to these offsets (Level-D 767 for one) so you will have to check what is used and what isn't depending on selected aircraft.
  11. It depends. The code I posted is my code I created in my aircraft class. The private vars are accessible only within that class whilst the public vars are accessible from anywhere that uses the object derived from the aircraft class. It depends what vars you want to access and from where.
  12. Use this as you have the wrong offset assigned [CODE] Private fsName As Offset(Of String) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of String)("name", &H3D00, 256) Public Name As String Public Sub getName() FSUIPCConnection.Process("name") Me.Name = Me.fsName.Value End Sub [/CODE]
  13. Ok I've set the target CPU type to x86 instead of any and now it builds ok.
  14. If you have a product key and if belongs to you then why not use it? It only takes 30 seconds to fill in the details and register.
  15. If there is only one assignment for each throttle within FSUIPC then check within FSX that the assignments are not set there for the same axis. You will probably find that the left throttle is assigned within FSX as a throttle which controls all throttles.
  16. Thanks for this info as I will be using these same offsets shortly so this has saved me having to look myself
  17. Ouch, $2795! Something needs updating if the specs below are still being advertised.
  18. My app uses a timer of 125ms. Each event that uses different intervals just adds each timer tick until it matches the required time.
  19. In vb.net I use 'long' variable type then copy it into a 'single'. 'code below is snippets from various parts of a class module in vb.net' Private fsLatitude As Offset(Of Long) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Long)("position", &H560) Public CurrentLatitude As Single FSUIPCConnection.Process("position") Me.CurrentLatitude = Me.fsLatitude.Value Me.CurrentLatitude = Me.CurrentLatitude* 90D / (10001750D * 65536D * 65536D) [/CODE] What language are you using? Why 'long long' and not simply 'long?'.
  20. An alternative to using IP addresses is to use the machine name. ie in the ini file add the name of the computer running FS. In my case it is called FSX-PC so is listed as thus ServerName=FSX-PC as detailed on page 10 of the manual
  21. If you are having problems and reinstalling, if possible, do a complete OS reinstall too. You may have corrupt entries in registry not just for FSX but for windows files etc which could also be causing problems. I usually reformat and reinstall around every 6 months.....more of an obsessive/compulsive thing rather than for fault fixing. Nothing like a brand newly installed OS :razz:
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