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  1. Hi Joe, custom schedule looks marvellous could you send me the files please. Thanks from UK John
  2. Thank you very much Vic.
  3. Ok Thats Great
  4. No not yet but in the past they usually read this forum and answer here.!
  5. Yes, that's exactly what i have been saying but getting no responce from the makers of Ksan. Why? Thanks to all who did reply.
  6. Also I dont seem to have any runway lights. Certainly not like the other airports.
  7. Does anyone have the same problem with KSAN as I do?
  8. Hi I haven'nt got that far yet as I have been trying different things out, I have just put in real traffic to see if they are sitting correctly but they are just the same as the default ones I have yet to put colour on! I would'nt mind but this was the PRO version of KSAN
  9. I bought the Tower!3D PRO yeterday and I put the KSAN airport into the program. When you look at the aircraft they sitting onthe deck and the tugs are under the ground. I had a small plane taxing and all i could see was it's lights! Has anyone had this problem with KSAN? Thanks
  10. Thanks very much for fixing the Action Camera in KJFK.

  11. Ok thanks, I have Ivona voices which I use for AtcHD one english and one american. I just can't seem to get that one working as yet + the two that come with win 10 which are Female. So in Tower3D i get Brian the english guy and one of the females and I was wondering how I could get the american as he would be best for Tower3D.
  12. Hi, I can only here 1 female voice even if I change to male voice mode are you using Windows 7 or 10.   Im using 7 and as such Im unable to obtain the other voices any help would be much appreciated,


  13. Can anyone tell me how many voices will work on Tower3d as I have four voices but I only hear two of them. Thank you
  14. My Card is also at the ready.!!
  15. I can't believe nobody has the same problem!! Oh well back to the drawing board...
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