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    Natal, RN

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  1. Yes. I assume that exists those two main communication possibilities: IPC (inter-process) and COM port (serial). Black arrows indicate direct access through API
  2. @guenseli, I have been interested in knowing the code of your script, for studies. If you gives it for me, please do comment about what has never worked. I found them here but all lines are joined.
  3. MOVED FROM "USER CONTRIBUTIONS" SUBFORUM so it might attract answers ... Because I am trying to understand the scenary I did: Is something wrong in this diagram?
  4. Does anyone know how to contact @pilotjohn out of the forum? I tried send email to "pilotjohn at gearsdown.com" and I have not received answers. Also private message. Where is the exe.xml? Are there a sample INI updated for today? Which logs are important? How to view them? I am cousin of FRANCISCO MARCONI and I am trying help him. I also wish, if allowed, of republish the codes as a project in git. If possible, under an open source license. Which would be the steps to install JS41SaitekMP.lua from scratch?
  5. Is this right? Two keys for two different values in a same INI section...
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