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Eduardo P

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About Eduardo P

  • Birthday 10/27/1953

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    Sao Paulo / Brazil

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  1. I really wasn't trying to create an issue here and sorry if you thought this. In printscreen => option "show hidden files, folders and drives" is checked (not "Don't show hidden files, folders and drives) and so I think that this was what you wrote here In printscreen => option "Hide extensions for known files types" is checked and I don't know if this issue (.ini not showing could be because of it) I right-clicked in FSUIPC7 application and it opened to tray (initially in hidden icons in taskbar rightside) FSUIPC7.iniFSUIPC7.logFSUIPC7.logInstallFSUIPC7.log
  2. Don't know if I did it correctly
  3. After dealing with many issues I installed FSUIPC7 in default folder (C;\FSUIPC7) with firewall & anti-virus deactivated. Option to both MSFS2020 & MSFS2024 and registered both FSUIPC7 & WideFS7 and logfile seems ok. I allowed path for MSFS / MSFS24 into my desktop Folder shows just 1 FSUIPC7 application (shouldn't be 2: 1 for MSFS2020 & 1 for MSFS2024?). Can't find .ini file anywhere. And to clarify me so I won't post another doubt, MSFS Windows Batch File & MSFS24 Windows Batch File need any action from me? Tks for clarification.
  4. Hi, John. My FSUIPC7 opens MSFS2020 when I run it (is it normal?) but the interface isn't shown anywhere (neither in tray nor in taskbar) and I have no .ini or .log
  5. Don't know if my problem is the same but let me explain 1) installed FSUIPC7 in default installation C:\FSUIPC7 and registered both FSUIPC7 & WideFS7 in both MSFS2020 & MSFS2024 2) it doesn't open in task bar and when clicked to open it opens MSFS2020 or MSFS2024 3) it isn't found anywhere. 4) didn't find .log I'm doing something dumb, maybe.
  6. *** Moved from Download Links sub-forum to main support forum *** Hello. Couldn't find any topic about this. Have P3Dv5.2 and MakeRwys worked just fine. Today I run it again but.. Printscreen of saved message Tks
  7. Wrong place to post, sorry. Just discovered that it should be at FSDT forum
  8. Had my acft at ZPPP gate 106. Requested GSX. After trying option 6 (jetways) both jetways disappeared.
  9. Sorry about that, John. I really tried to delete my post to avoid giving you trouble to read this. Anyway I followed instructions and everything worked. Tks again for help
  10. Had trouble while installing FSUIPC because WideFS serial was with email-1 and FSUIPC serial was email-2 Checked box "Check if using..." and everything worked.
  11. 1) Yes in Bravo Throttle => 2engines config => Lever 1/spoilers - Lever 3/throttle 1 - Lever 4/throttle 2 - Lever 6/flaps 2) Didn't follow your instructions just because I was trying to understand if this annoying issue (Lever 1 & Lever 4 in Bravo) had anything with my changing hardware from Saitek and CH Quadrant to Honeycomb Bravo. 3) I understand that to use FSUIPC I will need to clear all assignments inside P3D and Honeycomb ConfigTool. FSUIPC6.log FSUIPC6.ini
  12. Sorry. Didn't explain myself clearly and replied. What happens: Lever 1 => Spoilers // Lever 3 => Throttle 1 // Lever 4 => Throttle 2 Moving just Lever 1 backward => Lever 4 moves forward Moving just Lever 1 forward => Lever 4 moves backward Moving Lever 3 AND/OR 4 doesn't affect Lever 1 (it stays retracted)
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