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Everything posted by maxam

  1. I installed the FSUIPC WASM Module and Mobiflight events.txt, but the preset remains blank. FSUIPC7.log InstallFSUIPC7.log
  2. In an attempt to program the Bravo Throttle I choose "Select Preset" in FSUIPC7, but the window is blank. I have the PMDG 737-700 installed. What am I doing wrong? Robert I manually added the following using a suggestion from another thread, but the engines don't produce any thrust, the engines do start however: [Buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=PC,8,C66587,68801 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 2=UC,8,C66587,68801 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 3=PC,11,C66587,68901 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 4=UC,11,C66587,68901 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
  3. Hi all, Does anyone have the VC update for the 170/190, 175/195 aircraft for FSX/P3D? Thanks in advance, Rob
  4. Hello Pete and John, The issue is still present, the only way not to induce movement of the Throttle2 axis is to set elevator trim via Prepar3D controller key assignment settings. There is something definitely strange going on between the CH Controller and FSUIPC. It does not matter if I set the trim button sitch on a yoke, throttle quadrant or even pressing the switch in the virtual cockpit, the Throttle2 lever moves. I switched the lever assignments around between Throttle and Prop Pitch, there was a small incremental movement of the Throttle2 lever. 523282 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=65607, Param=0 ELEV_TRIM_DN 523282 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65607 (0x00010047), Param= 0 (0x00000000) ELEV_TRIM_DN 523297 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65821 (0x0001011d), Param= -96 (0xffffffa0) THROTTLE2_SET I am going to write to CH and inquire as to whether a failing potentiometer could be part of the issue, but that still does not explain why Throttle2 only moves in this instance. Robert
  5. Hello Pete, It appears the instruction on calibration seems to have resolved the Throttle2 movement when the trim switch in the cockpit is pressed. In this case the new calibration is as follows: Throttle1=-16249, -13967,-7252,-2417 Throttle2=-16384,-11665,-6947,-2359 The throttle levers still move smoothly past -2417 and -2359 respectively to the full forward position right to the stop, I have not calibrated that way before, always moving the lever to the full forward stop to 16384 and making that the Max setting. I think what I will do is perform an uninstall/reinstall of FSUIPC and start over remembering to calibrate this way. I will read the manual again. Thank you for your help. Robert
  6. Hi Pete, Uninstalled CH Manager a long time ago, checked and registry is clear of any CH listing. I plugged the CH Throttle into another USB port and it was recognized by windows device manager. I think the Throttle Quadrant is starting to fail, the Prop pitch1 and Prop pitch2 using direct do not move fully to the rear stop. There is extreme fluttering when moving the axis forward and back. I just discovered something, I removed all yoke assignments and when I pressed the trim switch in the aircraft cockpit the Throttle2 lever makes the same un-commanded movement. So then the "issue" must be in the coding of the Carenado SF340 aircraft. Upon restarting my simulator this morning Throttle2 axis range are the in the "normal" range again: Throttle2=-16384,-11665,-6947,16383 Just need to clarify regarding the comment about "throttles (REV checkbox) -- most quadrants produce the max value when pulled back" - pulled back from the full stop (forward position) or all the way to the rear full stop position? In FSUIPC Joystick Calibration the Throttle1 and Throttle2 full forward positon is 16383 I can only assign Max throttle on Throttle1 when REV checkbox is applied, cannot assign Reverse or Idle otherwise I hear the Windows chime error sound and the numerical value is not assigned. Without the REV checked I can assign the throttles Reverse - Idle - Max I will check with the CH forums and see if there is any information on how to service the Throttle Quadrant. I saw a post by Ray Proudfoot regarding the Virtual Fly All-Metal TQ6+ Throttle Quadrant that is equipped with "Hall Effect Magnetic Sensors." The only issue is that it is a true copy of a 2 engine turboprop unit and cannot be converted for use with other types of mutli engine aircraft. Thank you both for your help so far. Regards, Robert
  7. Hello John, Thank you for your reply. Controllers disabled in P3D. This is the CH Throttle Quadrant. The Throttle2 values changed since I posted earlier, Throttle2 max (direct) is now 8333, when I pull back on Throttle2 the max setting changes to 16383 around 1/4 of the way back. I have activated logging. Starting with the event pressing elevator trim down, throttle 2 is triggered while in full forward position, max is only 8474. (Throttle2=-16384,-11665,-7471,8474) 167563 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65607 (0x00010047), Param= 0 (0x00000000) ELEV_TRIM_DN 167594 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65821 (0x0001011d), Param= 15791 (0x00003daf) THROTTLE2_SET A bit later I tried the same with throttle 1 in full forward position, Throttle1 does not move when pressing trim button on yoke: 190484 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65615 (0x0001004f), Param= 0 (0x00000000) ELEV_TRIM_UP 190641 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=4, Btn=3, Released 293891 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65820 (0x0001011c), Param= 363 (0x0000016b) THROTTLE1_SET It looks like I have to purchase a replacement throttle quadrant. Thank you for looking. Robert FSUIPC5.log
  8. Hello Pete, In my FSUIPC5.ini I have 2 hardware devices listed in Prepar3D v4.5 [JoyNames] 2=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 2.GUID={4D0F4C20-9F5A-11E6-8001-444553540000} 4=Iris Dynamics Yoke 4.GUID={785ACF10-9B8D-11E6-8001-444553540000} With the Modules folder placed in the main root of Prepar3D v4.5 the throttle 2 lever on any 2 engine turboprop aircraft (3rd party or default Lockheed Electra) moves when the trim axis is moved up and down using the force feedback yoke. I do not have any calibration programs for the CH Throttle nor is there anything other than the Windows Force Feedback driver installed. With the Modules folder removed the behavior stops. For testing I switched between the 2 buttons on my yoke, I removed everything other than buttons and levers that are part of the issue below, the entire FSUIPC5.ini is attached: [Buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=R4,2,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 2=U4,2,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 3=P4,3,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- 4=U4,3,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- [Axes.Bombardier Q400] RangeRepeatRate=10 2=2X,256,D,9,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle1 }- 3=2Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Throttle2 }- [Buttons.Bombardier Q400] 0=P4,2,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 1=P4,3,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- Any ideas on this one? Thank you, Robert FSUIPC5.ini
  9. Hi Jack, Thanks for the tip, I don't know if I have a great deal of time right now as I have recently accepted a position at another site. Hopefully this designer will beat me to it and provide us with an updated VC. Appreciate the reply. Rob
  10. I have been thinking of updating the VC of the aircraft. After sharing a few PM's with a designer I have come to find out that it would not be possible to create bump or specular maps unless the model file includes references to the maps. I have looked at pictures of the Embraer EJet cockpit online but it is hard to tell what the texture would feel like and would have a go at it. I would like to do something that has a few more raised surfaces as the Wilco/Feelthere rendition is quite flat, comparing the EJets VC to the latest releases that include the beautiful lines and contours of the SAAB S340 for example. From what I understand, those curves and contours are contained in the model file and the VC cannot be updated unless FeelThere makes the necessary changes. Are there plans to release an updated VC?
  11. Hi Vic, Thanks for the reply, Alex is not listed as a commercial member so I did not know but now I do. I have PM'd Alex and included the API. Would really love it if the weather radar would be updated among other things. Thanks a bunch, Robert
  12. Alex, I’m not sure if you are speaking on behalf of the company, I asked if FeelThere was aware of HiFi SIM ActiveSky weather radar integration API which using simple coding will add a weather radar into any aircraft with a little work. Looking forward to a reply from FeelThere. Robert
  13. Hi fellas, Thanks for making one of my favorite commuter jets available for P3Dv4, I've really been missing her. I understand that work was done primarily to allow for installation into the latest sim, was the weather radar dropped due to technical issues? I do know that HiFi's ActiveSky does have an API SDK that allows for integration of their weather onto the horizontal display within the EJets VC while ActiveSky is running. PMDG uses their API to provide realistic weather. Just wondering if you knew about it? Robert
  14. Someone did a VC upgrade, do a search for EJets VC Upgrade. I hope that FeelThere is working on completely new EJets package using the SDK for Prepar3D v4.
  15. No, nothing recognizes them, and it may have very well been that way all along. I have notes on mostly everything for the sim regarding FSUIPC, I do not have any notes for the CH throttle. There's always a workaround with FSUIPC so I am not too worried. You've done a great job Pete. Robert
  16. Depressing below the detent the lever axis does not present itself as a button within the sim. The CH throttle quadrant's 6 levers only register as axis, the switches on the front face of the CH throttle quadrant has 6 switches and they are the only ones that register as buttons. You are right about the Saitek throttle and that is why I got confused as I used to own Saitek hardware. That answers my question. Thanks for your reply. Robert
  17. Pete, When I pull the CH Throttle Quadrant lever "x-axis" into the detent (idle) and continue down to where the throttle lever rests below the detent the FSUIPC "Buttons and Switches" does not register it as a button. The actual buttons and switches on the face of the throttle quadrant do register on the "Buttons and Switches" tab. I have since found that I can assign reverse axis using the "Joystick Calibration" tab but I was wondering if I was mistaken in thinking the lever when resting below the detent used to be recognized as a button where one would assign it using "Select for FS control" then assigning the commands of Throttle Decr and Throttle Cut in the 2 dropdown menu's below. I've been busy reinstalling my addons and hardware into v4.1 and I might be completely off here. Using FSUIPC 5.121b, CH Throttle Quadrant (without CH Manager Control) calibrated in Windows 10 only. Controls, axis and calibration are disabled in Prepar3D v4.1. Thank you, Robert
  18. Thanks Pete. In all the years of using FSUIPC and WideFS back in the days of FS9 this is the first time I had encountered any issue. I'd like to thank you for all your hard work and diligence in keeping your product working through all the changes that have taken place over the many years. If and when you release FSUIPC5 I will be happy to once again support you and your endeavors. Thanks again for making flight simulation such a wonderful pastime for me. Sincerely, Robert **EDIT** Apparently the crashes are being experienced with the new PMDG 747, the user indicated that he does not have FSUIPC installed. I think it has more to do now with the P3D HF3 update.
  19. Hi Pete, FSUIPC 4.961 Prepar3D v3.4.22.19868 I have had an incredibly smooth running system, hardly ever a crash. The issue started this evening after updating the FSLabs A320 so it could run on Prepar3D HF3. I experienced the same startup issue with a black screen, verifying that Prepar3D was running in task manager. (Using 11% CPU resources). I deleted the FSUIPC4.DLL and ran Prepar3D as admin and the sim started up, I then ran FSUIPC v4.961 install routine and the FSUIPC4.DLL is back in the modules folder and Prepar3D successfully started. I have verified that there aren't any FSUIPC entries in the Win10 event viewer. Hope this provides a little help. Regards, Robert
  20. Put me down for both, please do update VC textures though. The aircraft were a dream to fly. Rob
  21. Hi Pete, You have come through once again! I was having a terrible time after I lost the POV/Hat view and "mouse look" after updating Prepar3D to v3.4, that is until FSUIPC came to the rescue. Using the search option I was able to find the following information: I was able to assign the POV/Hat View in the Axis assignments tab in FSUIPC Axis Assignment->Send to FS as normal axis->Pan View (in dropdown menu) Mouse + spacebar to pan has also been enabled by selecting "Mouse Look" in the Miscellaneous tab of FSUIPC options Since using FSUIPC for years I have unchecked controllers in the P3D controls menu, the simple view commands have always worked until now. Thanks again for your great application, it has made my FS experience so wonderful. Cheers, Rob
  22. Learned something new today Pete, long time user of FSUIPC registered version... Thanks again as always. Robert
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