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nrholland last won the day on April 21 2021

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  1. On airports in MSFS how do you get to the insides of airports as well as areas outside airports such as parking lots arrival and departures areas, etc?
  2. How do I find my MSFS Community folder to install my scenery add-ons into?
  3. I bought the Windows 10 versions from Amazon. Now I just need to learn how to install your add-on airports as well as the freeware that's available from Fly Away.
  4. I am new at Microsoft flight simulator 2020. I am trying to figure out how I can put airplanes scenery and airports in the sim. I downloaded it off my computer. I was under the impression that it was the PC version I got. Could it be that I got the Xbox version. Could somebody help me to understand what to do.
  5. When I get home tonight from work I'm going to install WinZip into my computer. I'm going to take the patch and unzip it into my main folder where I have the sim. Maybe that will do it. I probably should have done it a long time ago.
  6. Anything's worth a try...
  7. Well I have tried everything. I downloaded the patch, put it in my default folder, turned wifi off, and nothing happens. I still get the same message as before "Failed to load player settings..." I know Tower 3D won't work on Windows 11. That's why I bought a Windows 10 Pro computer. I wanted to play Tower 3D on it. If anyone has any other ideas I'm open to suggestions. Thank you. My default folder is program files (x86). I tried it with both wifi on and wifi off.
  8. I haven't tried the patch yet. But hopefully that will work. My new computer is in the shop right now because I had problems trying to do a fresh install of Windows 10 pro. So it might be a few days before I even able to try the patch. Don't ask me how I messed my computer up which is brand new. It's a long story. 🤪
  9. I know this sounds like a dumb question but how do I disable my Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections?
  10. I must have done something wrong trying to put this patch into the main folder where the startup for Tower 3D is usually placed. After I overwrote the original startup with the patch I now get the following message: "Failed to load PlayerSettings (internal index #0). Most likely data file is corrupted, or built with mismatching editor and platform support versions." So what have I done wrong this time? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry to bother you people with this.
  11. My old Windows 10 computer died on me. So I ordered a new Dell computer with Windows 10 Pro. I did that hoping that Tower 3D Pro would work on it. I've installed the main game with new add-on except for the 3 pack of real color and real traffic. I try starting the game up and it shows the initial screen for about two seconds than it kicks me off back to my desktop. I don't understand why it won't work considering that I had no problems with it running on the old computer with Windows 10. Can someone help me? I really want to get this sim running. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  12. How do you turn Wi-Fi and ethernet off?
  13. This is a simple question. I believe it was brought up before. Will Windows 3D pro work on Windows 11?
  14. Here's my latest problem. I had the same problem with Barcelona but seemed to straighten out. When I try to run KJFK I get no sound. I tried starting the sim three times until I got so frustrated with it that deleted KJFK and real color out of the game. I reinstalled the file and thought that would solve the problem. It didn't. So I went drastic. I deleted the whole game out and will probably take about three hours to reinstall it all. Anyone had this problem with KJFK or another airport before? What do you think is the problem? This is a new problem I've never experienced before.
  15. Thanks guys. I'll just keep things as they are.
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