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  1. Just managed to fix it by snapping the ADRIS to the right hand side of the window and then selecting the strips as the second portion of that screen from the snap option. then just had to resize the window so that i could see what was on the strips.
  2. Gil i have just tried your suggestion and it hasn't worked. when i mouse over the strips it's showing up blank. when i follow the video when i press an arrow key and move my mouse the window comes into view, however it appears to be minimized and when i left click it disappears again. I then go through the process of clicking the strips icon again and then changing it to multi screen view and it does the same thing again. and i start the process again but the same thing happens. I even tried maximize but as soon as i click that the window disappears again. Restore function is not available through this method either. It's acting like something is blocking it, however the DBRITE and ADRIS are both working fine.
  3. Hey guys, I am hoping that someone might be able to help me. I use to play Tower3D with 3 screens but one is now defunct and can't be used. While playing with 3 screens i had my strips on a separate screen. Tried playing recently and when i open the window to have my strips on my second screen it comes up on the task bar but i can't see it anywhere. Cant even see it when i click on the strips in the taskbar. Is there a way i can reset these views so that they go back to the default position and then i can move them to my second screen? Thanks for the help
  4. B737max just email BMT and ask them to reinstate the link. it takes like an hour max normally.
  5. Crba Scott the only issue that i remembered that was fixed on the Sp was the T4 issue. I will retest JFK under normal conditions and see if i can get the north side to work. As a plane turns onto H taxiway, the next aircraft is touching down. I will screen shot this tonight. That explains the T6, are they rebuilding a new one. Thank you
  6. They have said in the past that all airports currently released on Tower2011 would be on Tower3d. They also said that the first euro airport would be world renowned so i take that as the busiest single runway airport in the world. I also think this was the first euro airport for tower2011 (although i may be wrong on that last point)
  7. Surely i am not the only one who thinks that a few of us could be asked to test prior to release and report faults. If this makes a better product for the community at general release i would definately be willing to test for the devs so that the community get a better game experience. FEELTHERE an NYGERGES take not. use the community that love and enjoys the game to test prior to full release.
  8. I am lead to believe the first euro airport is likely to be London Gatwick as it still holds the title of busiest single runway airport in the world.
  9. There are no JetBlues taxiing onto the ramp parraell to taxiway A at JFK? North side of Terminal 5 Just played for 2 hours and had departures from that ramp but no arrivals. Also the other thing i have noticed during that game is that aircraft won't refuse a runway due to it being too short until you give them clearance to takeoff. Previously you would get it when you gave the taxi instructions had an A380 accept taxi instruction to runway 31L @ KE, It accepted line up and wait instruction and only when i gave it takeoff clearance did i get the runway is too short reply. Aircraft accept intersections that cause them to go through trees at end of 31L and rotate right at the end of the runway Terminal 1 and 2 have severe pushback issues where planes would pushback ask for taxi clearance and then as soon as you give them it they would pushback in circles and continually do this. Terminal 2 gates C67 - C70 and terminal 1 gates 4, 6, 8, and 10 on MA alleyway Taxiways A and B don't highlight correctly and as a result aircraft ignore hold short commands for these taxiways. they do however taxi along correctly. 22L arrivals aircraft leaving runway at H just as next landing is touching down. No points lost but believe is a bug. Terminal 6 only has WZZ on it and no aircraft depart/arrive here Taxiway N and MC still incorrectly named MC should end at Taxiway P not B On a plus note aircraft now arrive into Terminal 4
  10. Apologies my terminals are bad Terminal 1 all gates on the MA alleyway. the one where Korean and JAL and CCA park
  11. Anyone else notice that there are no JetBlues taxiing onto the ramp parraell to taxiway A at JFK? Just played for 2 hours and had departures from that ramp but no arrivals. Also the other thing i have noticed during that game is that aircraft won't refuse a runway due to it being too short until you give them clearance to takeoff. Previously you would get it when you gave the taxi instructions had an A380 accept taxi instruction to runway 31L @ KE, It accepted line up and wait instruction and only when i gave it takeoff clearance did i get the runway is too short reply. Terminal 2 and 3 have severe pushback issues where planes would pushback ask for taxi clearance and then as soon as you give them it they would pushback in circles and continually do this. All gates on the MA alleyway This seriously impacted arrivals and departures as JFK was more like PHL in terms of flights
  12. Good Afternoon. I was wondering if anyone knew weather there are any UK/Euro airports in the pipeline for Tower3D. I am from the UK and would love to see Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester, Edinburgh added to the list of future airports addons.
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