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missing OFFSETS

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Hi Peter,

my name is Markus from Austria.

I am working on a Helicopter simulator based on FS9 and FSBUS.

I doens`t use additional software such as pm.

You will sure know that it is only possible within FSBUS to switch or display something, when it is in the fsuipc.

So therfore ì need some built in offsets in fsuipc.

Below the things i am missing

LOW RPM indicator (from the Bell 206 and other Helis)

increase/decrease RPM Helis

Fuel Valve

Low Fuel indicator

warning lights from fs9

It would be great to build in this offsets in the next Version.

Greetings from Austria


(of course registered user)

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It's not possible to make them 'offsets'. They are already in there, you only need to read them out, and program your functionality yourself.

Low RPM is different for every helicopter type, and it's programmed within the gauge. You can read out the "Engine1 N1/N2" parameter, which indicates rotor rpm from 0-100% as a 0-16768 value.

- The Fuel valve in FS is actually the mixture analog.

- increase/decrease RPM is the propellor analog.

- Low Fuel indicator: all the logic for that is done within the gauges.

the gauge looks for the 'CenterFuelTank' variable, and if it's below a certain number, the light goes on.

- most other warning lights don't work in FS.

Kind Regards,


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Many warning lights can be determined from gauge values, or clculated from logic.

Those that have direct flags you can find using FSInterrogate's 'three way scan' function. Scan with the light off, force it to go on, scan again, make it go off, do the third scan. FSInterrogate will show the values that are the same in scan 1 and 3 but different in scan 2.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in replying -- I've been on holiday with no Internet access. I'm just trying to catch up with an enormous backlog now!

So therfore ì need some built in offsets in fsuipc.

Below the things i am missing

LOW RPM indicator (from the Bell 206 and other Helis)

increase/decrease RPM Helis

Fuel Valve

Low Fuel indicator

warning lights from fs9

It would be great to build in this offsets in the next Version.

FSUIPC can only expose those things which exist and which I've either found for myself or which others have found and told me about. FSUIPC does not actively simulate any systems -- that is up to FS.

The things you mention seem to either be derived from other things (e.g. warnings derived from monitoring existing values), or possibly refer to systems not actually simulated in FS at present in any case.

If you think these things exist (for instance, check the Panels SDK from MS and see if you can make a Gauge with them) then I should be able to find them and expose them. but I need that confirmation and help to find them. I cannot spend many thousands of hours looking for things which I don't fully understand and which may not even exist.



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Many thinks i was able to make it with threshold function in fsbus.

Dirk is working hard on software realease, which enables self programming of functions like overhead panels and other things . i`m looking forward for the software.

Please don`t be disapointed about my bad english, is sometimes hard for me , to find the right words. Sometimes it seems that i am angry, but`s its only my english.(lol)

So thanks again for your help

Greetings from Austria


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