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Garmin 530 and GPSOUT

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Will GPSOUT work with a real Garmin 530 if I connect my computer to the serial input of the GPS?

Does a real Garmin 530 have a serial input and accept standard NMEA sentences to tell it positions and so forth? Also remember, GPSout is one way -- there wouldn't be any input back from the Garmin to FS.


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Garmin has a simulator interface document which describes the communication protocol in detail but does not mention that it is NMEA format.. it includes items such as OBS course and RAIM status which I suspect are not part of the NMEA protocol... so I suppose it will not work.

Is there a way to use FSUIPC and a script in FS2004 to communicate bi-directionally with the Garmin 530? The Garmin 530 does have a serial port and the communication structure is well documented by Garmin - I just do not know how to establish this communication with FS2004.

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"Is there a way to use FSUIPC and a script in FS2004 to communicate bi-directionally with the Garmin 530?"

(Almost) Anything that is available in FS2004 can be read by FSUIPC. You could then write an app in VB (Or C or whatever) to pass it through the serial port to the Garmin, and read output back which FSUIPC could then re-write back into FS2004.

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