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float 64 / Byte

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Converting Float to Byte.

Er, the range of a byte is -128 to +127. The range of a float exceeds than by trillions in both the itegral and fractional directions. There's really no way unless you know the float's value is within that very very small range.

I have to read AILRON_DEFLECTION ofset 2EA8.

As other interesting values this one is a Float64.

What is the math. to convert into a Byte or a Word?

It can't be done that easily. A Float64 has a number of bits as an exponent and the rest of the bits as mantissa, normalised so that there's one integral digit (i.e. 1). The bit assignments are documented in Intel technical specs. I can fish them out if you like, but there's no easy conversion. If you write in a decent language like C/C++ then the compiler will convert for you using the appropriate floating point register to fixed posint register transfer instructions.



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