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Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas and a happy new year, Pete!

I wish all the best to you and yours.

I hope your eye sight is better meanwhile and developing towards normal.

Thank you very much for the wonderful job you are doing here.

Now give it a break and enjoy the holidays and your vacation in January. (Chasing steam railways again?)

Kind regards,


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Merry Christmas and a happy new year, Pete!

I wish all the best to you and yours.

Thank you very much! And the same to you and yours!

I hope your eye sight is better meanwhile and developing towards normal.

No, unfortunately that will never be. The genetic problem isn't curable and is bound to become progressively worse. It is getting more and more noticeably so as I age, too. But I am lucky, the variation I have (there are at least thirty variants) does not end in complete blindness. I should always have some central detail vision, no matter how narrow.

Thank you very much for the wonderful job you are doing here.

Now give it a break and enjoy the holidays and your vacation in January. (Chasing steam railways again?)

Yes :-)

Thanks & Best Wishes,


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Enjoy the steam trains, at least real ones are easier to see than N gauge :wink:

Thanks! Actually seeing my N gauge trains is easy enough (after all I know where they are! ;-)). The problem is keeping the damn track clean. Grrr. A few months of disuse and the whole thing grinds to a halt! Not even any leaves on the line! ;-)

A very Happy Christmas to you!


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