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Hi Pete,

I have an interesting (yet frustrating!) problem implementing TCAS in our Avidyne gauges while connected to VATSIM.

We are successfully reading the TrafficInfo.dll to display AI traffic, as well as multi-player traffic whenever connected LAN-to-LAN using the default MP connection in FS9, or peer-to-peer over the internet to another host, and also when connected via the ZONE.

Whenever connected to VATSIM however, we are coming up with a big nothing...

Lee's TCAS will display VATSIM traffic using either FSUIPC access or TrafficInfo.dll access without error, so I have to assume that FSUIPC is successfully injecting VATSIM traffic into FS9... Well that, and the fact that we can SEE the other traffic pretty much confirms that the process is working properly.

I know that it isn't "your problem," but do you have any idea at all why our code will work with "regular multiplayer," but falls down when on VATSIM? :oops:

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Lee's TCAS will display VATSIM traffic using either FSUIPC access or TrafficInfo.dll access without error, so I have to assume that FSUIPC is successfully injecting VATSIM traffic into FS9... Well that, and the fact that we can SEE the other traffic pretty much confirms that the process is working properly.

There's a misunderstanding there. FSUIPC injects nothing at all into FS9. That is all done through the multiplayer interface, it is nothing to do with FSUIPC.

What may be injected into FSUIPC's "TCAS" tables, for reading back by TCAS gauges and the like, are details of the same traffic that is being sent via MP to FS. This used to be done by Jose Oliveira's "AIBridge" program for SB2 but I suspect SB3 has it built in now? I don't know about the IVap programs I'm afraid.

I know that it isn't "your problem," but do you have any idea at all why our code will work with "regular multiplayer," but falls down when on VATSIM? :oops:

I don't know how your program is reading data with "regular multiplayer", sorry. All that side of FS is a complete mystery to me, something I've never dealt with. The FS DLL "TrafficInfo" only deals with AI traffic I believe, and that is all switched off when Multiplayer is enabled.

If your TCAS display is reading FSUIPC's TCAS tables then the traffic has to be injected into those in the first place. I don't know what program you are using for this, but it sounds like you need to find out what part does what and then ask the author. Maybe you aren't running a crucial part of the total package?

I'm afraid I cannot advise any further. I don't have any of these programs. I hardly get time to fly off-line let alone try my hand at on-line flying, though I would certainly like to, one day;-)



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Lee's TCAS will display VATSIM traffic using either FSUIPC access or TrafficInfo.dll access without error, so I have to assume that FSUIPC is successfully injecting VATSIM traffic into FS9...

There's a misunderstanding there. FSUIPC injects nothing at all into FS9. That is all done through the multiplayer interface, it is nothing to do with FSUIPC.

What may be injected into FSUIPC's "TCAS" tables, for reading back by TCAS gauges and the like, are details of the same traffic that is being sent via MP to FS. This used to be done by Jose Oliveira's "AIBridge" program for SB2 but I suspect SB3 has it built in now? I don't know about the IVap programs I'm afraid.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I'll have to ask Joel how he's getting the SB3 traffic back into FS9 then... ;)

I don't know how your program is reading data with "regular multiplayer", sorry. All that side of FS is a complete mystery to me, something I've never dealt with. The FS DLL "TrafficInfo" only deals with AI traffic I believe, and that is all switched off when Multiplayer is enabled.

I am reading the data directly from TrafficInfo.dll, and it works perfectly with AI as well as multi-player when connected via the ZONE or peer-to-peer over the internet or a LAN. It only fails when logged onto VATSIM.

The true puzzle is that Lee H's TCAS will read data either from your FSUIPC TCAS tables or TrafficInfo.dll, and both modes display identical results when connected to VATSIM, which clearly proves that the data is there to be read...

Lee has confirmed via an email exchange that he is actually only reading three bits of data from either source: lat/lon/alt. He calculates the remaining data points needed for TCAS display with his custom algorithims.

As I said, the problem is clearly mine. :oops: I'm just seeking clarification on certain processes/issues, and I thank you for clearing up one misunderstanding! 8)

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