GreatGameKiller Posted November 11, 2007 Report Posted November 11, 2007 Hello, i can´t see any " add on" menue when i press ALT. Vista 64, as Adminstrator, no Anti Virus or Firewall ( only the Windows Firewall, i try do disabled but same problem). Please help....;-) Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.20 Looking in registry for FSX install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 Parameter"SetupPath" SetupPath="D:\FlightSimulator X\" Checking version of FSX.EXE: ... Version 10.0.61637.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0) Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect: ... Okay, Probe Manifest matches installed SimConnect 60905 (Original) Found later build SimConnect 61242 (SP1 May07) Found later build SimConnect 61259 (Acc/SP2 Oct07) Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in: D:\FlightSimulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL ... No previous valid version found. FSX Modules folder already exists. Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "D:\FlightSimulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL" Looking for the current user's Application Data path: ... found as "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\AppData\Roaming" Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Anwendungsdaten\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\AppData\Roaming" Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"! Now checking DLL.XML ... ... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section. ... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced. ... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ... ... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay. Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Contacts\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Cookies\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Desktop\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Documents\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Downloads\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Druckumgebung\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Eigene Dateien\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Favorites\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Links\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Lokale Einstellungen\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Music\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Netzwerkumgebung\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Pictures\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Recent\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Saved Games\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Searches\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\SendTo\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Startmenü\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Videos\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\Vorlagen\Roaming" No FSX.CFG there Now installing additional files into the Modules folder: Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay Installed "List of FSX controls.pdf" okay All installer tasks completed okay! *************** End of Install Log ***************
Pete Dowson Posted November 14, 2007 Report Posted November 14, 2007 GreatGameKiller said: Hello, i can´t see any " add on" menue when i press ALT.Vista 64 When you press ALT in normal flight mode, do you see any menu at all? the "Add-Ons" entry is only the last (right-most) one -- it is added by SimConnect when any add-on is loaded and run. Is there an FSUIPC4.LOG file in the Modules folder. If not then FSUIPC4 isn't even being loaded. If so, look at it, see if it reports a SimConnect problem. For SimConnect problems see the FSX Help announcement above. Regards Pete
GreatGameKiller Posted November 14, 2007 Author Report Posted November 14, 2007 First i want to say Thank you for your fast reply. When i press ALT i can see the menu ( Datei, Sichten etc Germany.) but there is no ADD ON! I used your Software in an older Version with FS 2002 and it runs great. So i kown where i have to look for the menu. In the Modules folder isnt a FSUIPC4.LOG ! Only the "Install Log" which i posted before is there. Thank you
Pete Dowson Posted November 14, 2007 Report Posted November 14, 2007 GreatGameKiller said: In the Modules folder isnt a FSUIPC4.LOG ! Only the "Install Log" which i posted before is there. In that case one of three things is happening: 1. The DLL.XML file is incorrect and preventing SimConnect loading FSUIPC. Re-installing FSUIPC4 should fix that, but if not you might need to find it (it is in C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG) and delete it, then re-run the Installer. 2. SimConnect is broken. See the FSX Help announcement and get a SimConnect log, see if that tells us why. 3. There is a Simconnect.dll file in the modules folder or with some other add-on you have enabled. The only Simconnect.DLL files in use should be those in the WinSxS folders in Windows. Regards Pete
GreatGameKiller Posted November 14, 2007 Author Report Posted November 14, 2007 i have try the Simconnect Log first. All other in the next days, thanks 0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0 0.01452 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.02049 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv6, Address=::1, Port=49166, MaxClients=64 0.02258 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=49167, MaxClients=64
Pete Dowson Posted November 14, 2007 Report Posted November 14, 2007 GreatGameKiller said: i have try the Simconnect Log first. All other in the next days, thanks The "next days" means December 4th earliest for me, as after this message I'm away till then. Quote 0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0 0.01452 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.02049 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv6, Address=::1, Port=49166, MaxClients=64 0.02258 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=49167, MaxClients=64 Is that it? No more lines? If so, it is not loading any DLLs or any EXE programs at all. You either have a screwed up DLL.XML file, or none at all. However, the FSUIPC4 install log does show this okay: Quote Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\GreatGameKiller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"!Now checking DLL.XML ... ... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section. ... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced. ... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay You are running FSX under logon name "GreatGameKiller", aren't you? Have you installed other add-ons? Have you edited the DLL.XML file? That is the file which tells SimConnect what DLLs to load. FSUIPC4 is not being loaded, so it cannot do anything. Regards Pete
GreatGameKiller Posted November 18, 2007 Author Report Posted November 18, 2007 Hi, i try the Simconect Log again and it shows something more, BUT only if i use Aircrafts from the Acc. Pack. With all other Aircrafts it shows only 4 Line.?? For Example: If i get the F18 ..... 0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0 0.01447 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.02119 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv6, Address=::1, Port=49175, MaxClients=64 0.02334 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=49176, MaxClients=64 > 20.06658 [ 0, 1]Open: Version=0x00000004 Name="EH101 XPack Gauge" > 20.06816 [ 0, 2]SubscribeToSystemEvent:EventID=1, SystemEventName="1sec" > 20.06826 [ 0, 3]SubscribeToSystemEvent:EventID=2, SystemEventName="6Hz" > 20.06832 [ 0, 4]SubscribeToSystemEvent:EventID=3, SystemEventName="Frame" > 20.06839 [ 0, 5]SubscribeToSystemEvent:EventID=0, SystemEventName="SimStart" > 20.06845 [ 0, 6]SubscribeToSystemEvent:EventID=4, SystemEventName="FlightPlanActivated" > 20.06853 [ 0, 7]SubscribeToSystemEvent:EventID=5, SystemEventName="FlightPlanDeactivated" > 20.06860 [ 0, 8]AddToDataDefinition:DefineID=0, DatumName="NAV IDENT:1", UnitsName="", DatumType=5, fEpsilon=0.000000, DatumID=-1 > 20.06870 [ 0, 9]AddToDataDefinition:DefineID=0, DatumName="NAV NAME:1", UnitsName="", DatumType=6, fEpsilon=0.000000, DatumID=-1 > 20.06879 [ 0, 10]AddToDataDefinition:DefineID=0, DatumName="NAV VOR LATLONAL and so on... yes, i run the game and the installer as Admin ( Greatgamekiller). No, i don´t edit the dll.xml. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> Launch dll.xml False False FSUIPC 4 False Modules\FSUIPC4.dll On weekend i make a complete new Installation. Vista Home Premium X64, Drivers, all windows updates, FSX, FSX SP1, ACC Pack, FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.20......but still the same Problem! Whats going on? Greetings from Germany
Thomas Richter Posted November 18, 2007 Report Posted November 18, 2007 GreatGameKiller said: yes, i run the game and the installer as Admin ( Greatgamekiller). Hi Hast du die FSUIPC Installation und anschließende Registrierung als Administrator ausgeführt oder lediglich mit der Anmeldung als Administrator ?
GreatGameKiller Posted November 19, 2007 Author Report Posted November 19, 2007 Na Nu Deutsch? Ich habe nur ein Benutzerkonto und da bin ich Admin. Habe aber zusätzlich mit Rechtklick auf die EXE "Als Admin ausführen" geklickt. Es ist so das im Simconnect Log etwas zu sehen ist, aber nur bei Flugzeugen aus dem Acceleration Pack. Bei allen Standart Flugzeugen bleibt der LOG bis auf die ersten 4 Zeilen leer. Ein "ADD ON" Eintrag in der Menüleiste erscheint in beiden Fällen nicht! Danke für Deine Hilfe
Thomas Richter Posted November 19, 2007 Report Posted November 19, 2007 Ich habe ebenfalls nur eine Konto, zwangsläufig als Admin. - Installation von FSUIPC mit Rechts-Click als Administrator ausführen - FSX ebenfalls mit Rechts-Click as Administrator ausführen - Ausführung von FSUIPC zulassen / bestätigen - FSUIPC registrieren Hat bisher auf allen Systemen so funktioniert, ohne Probleme sowohl Vista als auch XP Pro. Falls es nicht funktioniert ist ein Fehler bereits bei der Installation von FSX entstanden den der FSUIPC Installer nicht kompensieren kann. Ich habe gerade gestern noch eine Neuinstallation von FSX + SP1 gemacht und wie oben beschrieben FSUIPC installiert. Danach die erste SP2-Beta installiert und alles läuft ohne Probleme.
GreatGameKiller Posted November 20, 2007 Author Report Posted November 20, 2007 Möglicherweise ist die Reihenfolge das Problem. Ich habe erst den FSX+Sp1+Accelaration installiert und dann FSUIPC 4.2. Probier ich mal aus. Gruß GGK
GreatGameKiller Posted December 3, 2007 Author Report Posted December 3, 2007 !!Ja, es liegt an der Reihenfolge!!! Erst den FSX + SP1 +FSUIPC +ACC fertig. Danke für die Hilfe. Yes it´s work, but you need the right order. First FSX then SP1 + FSUIPC then ACC PACK. If i do so, it works fine. Thank you for your Support.
Pete Dowson Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 GreatGameKiller said: yes, i run the game and the installer as Admin ( Greatgamekiller). Don't do that. The only time you need to "Run Asadministrator" is when registering FSUIPC in FSX. The installer does not need it, and FSX does not either. I'm afraid this must be some bug in FSX SimConnect under Vista 64 as I cannot see any other cause for the problems. Please submit all the details to I suspect not very many folks are using 64-bit Vista (too many other problems with it I fear), and it may not have had all the testing it needed. Regards Pete
Pete Dowson Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 Pete Dowson said: I'm afraid this must be some bug in FSX SimConnect under Vista 64 as I cannot see any other cause for the problems. Please submit all the details to I suspect not very many folks are using 64-bit Vista (too many other problems with it I fear), and it may not have had all the testing it needed. There's further evidence of SimConnect problems on Vista64 here: so please do report these problems! Regards Pete
mtjoeng Posted December 9, 2007 Report Posted December 9, 2007 Im running FSX and Vista x64 and no other poblems then the 'usual' The order of the statement in your DLL.XML is very important FSCopilot always last / or it will crash everything / and even then often problems, fortunately when exiting FSX (bad unload fscopilot.dll) and FSUIPC I do before last and planes in between (levelD, PIC 737, PDMG) also I had BIG problems with crashes and then I used XmlShell (freeware XML file syntax checker) You can NOT see the difference, but when I wrote dll.xml back after chk by XmlShell (most often just rearranges tab stops) the crashes DISAPPEARED so there must be some sort of UNIX / MSDOS / Windows end-of-file and tab code number mixup, and its invisible, but it DID crash my FSX my 5cts (also I have Defender Stopped and DFS replication service (makes your x64 network SLOOOOW) and Index service and UAC)
mtjoeng Posted December 10, 2007 Report Posted December 10, 2007 Pete Dowson said: Pete Dowson said: I'm afraid this must be some bug in FSX SimConnect under Vista 64 as I cannot see any other cause for the problems. Please submit all the details to I suspect not very many folks are using 64-bit Vista (too many other problems with it I fear), and it may not have had all the testing it needed. There's further evidence of SimConnect problems on Vista64 here: Bytheway this concerns "x64 Compiled Addons" (that exist probably far and few between) and is a remark aimed at new software developers, and has nothing to do with any addon that has the 'normal' x86 footprint, developed on a regular x86 workstation.
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