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Pete: Need any ammunition for FSX's crappy wind smoothing?

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Hi Pete,

I wrote a little SimConnect program a couple weeks back, and have been collecting data on how poorly FSX SP1 smooths weather changes. I understand that you have been (or will be) talking to the ACES folks about this - so, if you would like my data to add to your ammunition, please let me know.

Here are some notes on what I have found:

1) Occasional large wind direction deltas are by far the biggest problem. Sophisticated models (PMDG 747X, for example) are - understandably - really thrown for a loop!

2) Rarely, I see wind velocity deltas of > 5 knots in one second.

3) Temperature and pressure smoothing seems to work fairly well.


- Bill Ruppel

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Thanks John.

I have tried this, and while it does make things better, it's imperfect (no fault of Pete's, by the way - he's doing the best he can in a tough situation). I believe the only way this can be properly solved is to have ACES fix their algorithm.

Being a professional developer myself, I even have some concrete ideas on how ACES can improve things.

What we need to do is convince ACES that (a) their algroithm is buggy (and my data will certainly help with that!), and (b) it's impacting alot of users. Then, I think we may see some action.

- Bill

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Thanks John.

I have tried this, and while it does make things better, it's imperfect (no fault of Pete's, by the way - he's doing the best he can in a tough situation). I believe the only way this can be properly solved is to have ACES fix their algorithm.

Being a professional developer myself, I even have some concrete ideas on how ACES can improve things.

What we need to do is convince ACES that (a) their algroithm is buggy (and my data will certainly help with that!), and (b) it's impacting alot of users. Then, I think we may see some action.

- Bill

Crazy question, but have you sent Phil Taylor a note? I don't expect much action, but perhaps if enough people complain, they might just release a small fix for it... or I'm just dreaming.



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I thought it was public knowledge that Aces will not be producing anymore new fixes for FSX after SP2.

Well, it's the first I've heard that - since it's "public knowledge", I guess I need to get out more, eh? :roll:

Jim, I'm curious - is that the reason they give (i.e. there will be no further patches)? Or, something worse like "Problem? What problem?!"

- Bill

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Sorry, but I cannot say. But please know that ACES is now more aware of the situation. And also know that we have some things ready for in the next week or two.

So, I read up on the details of what you guys are doing with ASX SP2. I must say: bravo. Pity that the best results possible are less than ideal... (i.e. imperect smoothing, weather resets every 20-30 seconds, and increased CPU)

While I congratulate you on the herculean effort to fight the broken simulator, I must say that I'm pretty disappointed with the ACES team. They had a chance to finally fix things for FSX, and completely botched it. :?

- Bill

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What we need to do is convince ACES that (a) their algroithm is buggy (and my data will certainly help with that!), and (b) it's impacting alot of users. Then, I think we may see some action.

Unfortunately it isn't that simple. They know it isn't working properly. The whole of the weather module needs a good sort out. It would not be a simple fix, but a major change and nothing they would dare risk as an "update". It would have to wait for FSXI -- and that's where a good level of complaints will help raise the priority. Direct all of your anger and frustration about this (but politely, of course), along with all the evidence you like, to tell_fs@microsoft.com. They do read them all. The more the better on this subject.

I think I'm partly to blame for it being like it is. It isn't a new problem in FSX, it was the same in FS9. Exactly. But the fiddles I did in FSUIPC hid them too well and perhaps, as a result, not enough fuss was made by usersDuh!

I am pressing hard for either SimConnect facilities to allow me to do the fiddles more, er, "properly", and "fix" it that way, or possibly for a little less-official help in hacking into the horribly complex code which is Weather.DLL in order to do the overrides. But no one is able to promise anything.



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Unfortunately it isn't that simple. They know it isn't working properly. The whole of the weather module needs a good sort out. It would not be a simple fix, but a major change and nothing they would dare risk as an "update". It would have to wait for FSXI -- and that's where a good level of complaints will help raise the priority. Direct all of your anger and frustration about this (but politely, of course), along with all the evidence you like, to tell_fs@microsoft.com. They do read them all. The more the better on this subject.

Thanks - have sent an email. Not a shred of anger present. 8)

I think I'm partly to blame for it being like it is. It isn't a new problem in FSX, it was the same in FS9. Exactly. But the fiddles I did in FSUIPC hid them too well and perhaps, as a result, not enough fuss was made by usersDuh!

Ha ha, yeah I see your point. But, to my eyes you are a hero to adding the smoothing features to FSUPIC. The rightful blame belongs to the authors of the weather code.

I am pressing hard for either SimConnect facilities to allow me to do the fiddles more, er, "properly", and "fix" it that way, or possibly for a little less-official help in hacking into the horribly complex code which is Weather.DLL in order to do the overrides. But no one is able to promise anything.

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks Pete!

- Bill

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I am pressing hard for either SimConnect facilities to allow me to do the fiddles more, er, "properly", and "fix" it that way, or possibly for a little less-official help in hacking into the horribly complex code which is Weather.DLL in order to do the overrides. But no one is able to promise anything.

Hi Pete. Thanks again for discussing, and trying to fix this. I hope they give you what you need to completely fix a huge ongoing problem for FS. It's getting to a point, where I don't use "real weather", due to the unrealistic, and frustrating results that occur.

Can this discussion be pushed to other forums that Aces regularly reads? I see that Phil Taylor seems to float around at AVSIM quite a bit.

I will continue testing for you if you find any way to fix this issue via FSUIPC.



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