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Hi Pete,

The GF throttle quadrant is known for having issues in FSX.

Thanks to FSUIPC calibrating I was able to have the Throttles , Spoilers and Flaps working fine.

However the Thrust reversers are really an issue.

To have the Gf levers work correctly I have to assign them in the Gf software , in FSx and then calibrate them in FSUIPC.

But the Gf software is somehow interfearing with the fSX software.

I can assign the reverse buttons to F2 in FSX or FSUIPC, but when applying them the levers go up and down independently without stopping.

When assigning them in FSUIPC to throttle cut 1-4 nothing happens.

The moment I unassign the throttles in the Gf software F2 is working again.

But then no working throttles.

Any tips ?



Hi Gerald,

I have found just the opposite.

I was experiencing throttle problems. I then realized I had the throttles assigned in GF Config and FSUIPC. I deleted the GF Config throttle assignments, then recalibrated the already assigned throttle axis in FSUIPC. That solved my problem.

I deleted the throttles from FS9/X controller assignments a long time ago.

Hope this helps,



Thanks for your respond.

Did you manage to get the thrust reverse levers to work ?

Strange that when you leave all functions unassigned in GfConfig you are able to calibrate in FSX.


Yes, reverse does work. However I do not use buttons.

With FSUIPC, I have calibrated the throttle axis with maximun, idle, and reverse positions. As I pull the throttle back past the idle position, reverse is engaged.

As you know, the GF throttles do not have idle detent stops. You must be very careful not to place the engines in reverse in flight. Mark that as a negative for the GF throttle unit.



With the help of Goflight Support I was able to solve my issues.

The first thing I was asked was to check if all buttons/axes where unassigned for the throttle quadrant which was the case.

The second thing was to remove Fsuipc out of FSX.

The last thing was to re-assign all levers in the Goflight software to their appropriate functions.

After that I was told to start up FSX and guess what : it was working flawlesly.

Then I re-installed FSUIPC and again thrust lever issues.

In FSUIPC nothing was assigned anymore to the throttles or reversers ( buttons).

When taking a look in the FSUIPC ini file there where some entrances about my 747 ; throttles , reversers.

I deleted everything from [JoystickCalibration] and below.

After that I loaded FSX again and my throttles where still working properly.

I went to a Flightsim friend of mine who uses some Gf modules and we connected my throttle quadrant to his FSX.

Again issues with the thrust reversers.

I opened his FSUIPC ini file and deleted everything from [JoystickCalibration] and below and after that the throttle quadrant worked on his pc too.

He never had a Gf throttle quadrant attached to his pc, but used FSUIPC too assign / calibrate his PFC throttle.

It seems to me that something in FSUIPC isinterfearing with the Goflight software even when disabling the loystick features in FSUIPC.

This is only when before having used the joystick calibration features.

So it looks like nothing has been assigned anymore but there is.

So if anyone is having troubles with his Goflight throttle quadrant open the FSUIPC ini file and delete anything from [JoystickCalibration] and below.

FSUIPC will rebuilt the part, but set the values to default and not assigned so there will be no interfearing with the Goflight software.


Then I re-installed FSUIPC and again thrust lever issues.

In FSUIPC nothing was assigned anymore to the throttles or reversers ( buttons).

Merely removing the DLL and restoring it changes nothing. All your settings will still be in the FSUIPC4.INI file. There was never any need to remove FSUIPC4. If you cannot sort out your assignments and calibrations in FSUIPC, or made a mess, just delete the FSUIPC4.INI file. That will cause everything in FSUIPC4 to revert to defaults. Nothing about your installation is ever stored in the DLL, which is just a program binary!

When taking a look in the FSUIPC ini file there where some entrances about my 747 ; throttles , reversers. I deleted everything from [JoystickCalibration] and below.

After that I loaded FSX again and my throttles where still working properly.

Of course. See above!

but used FSUIPC too assign / calibrate his PFC throttle.

PFC throttle quadrants are handled by PFCFSX.DLL, not by FSUIPC. That is a completely different thing.

It seems to me that something in FSUIPC isinterfearing with the Goflight software even when disabling the loystick features in FSUIPC.

No, sorry. That is nonsense as you just proved to yourself. It was your own bad settings in the INI file. FSUIPC never ever makes any settings at all on its own. They are all made by YOU, the user!!!

This is only when before having used the joystick calibration features.

So it looks like nothing has been assigned anymore but there is.

The joystick calibration feature does NOT assign anything. You assign things either in FSX, or in FSUIPC's "axis assignments" facility. It seems you made use of the latter without knowing what you were doing or reading the documentation. :-(

Please discuss these things before making completely wild and incorrect accusations and providing the wrong advice to people!! :evil: :evil: :evil:




What I have described is that by taking out FSUIPC ( =dll ) it worked flawlesly.

Also that when I cleared alll entriesI made in FSUIPC regarding Joysticks/buttons this was not enough to make it work.

Only after deleting the Joystickpart in the Fsuipc ini file it worked.

The everything went back to default.

Imho Clearing entries would mean that they are gone.

On 2 different pc's it was the same result.

Quote : PFC throttle quadrants are handled by PFCFSX.DLL, not by FSUIPC. That is a completely different thing.

That other Flightsimmer was using FSUIPC to calibrate his single throttle quadrant from PFC.

Calibrating in Windows could not make it working precise enough acording to him.

Also on his pc when Clearing all Joystick/button entries in FSUIPC the throttle quadrant would not work normally in FSX.

By manually deleting the part in FSUIPC ini it worked on that pc too.

Last time at the Aviodrome Fs event we ( Dutch Fs Club ) had 2 people coming to us and describing the same issue with their tq in FSX and if we knew how to solve it.

We did not have an answer.

And looking at the Gf forum there are others with the same issue.

FSUIPC and WideFs are two great programs that I use since many years for Flightsimming and my cockpit project.

This was no intention of making accusations, but a suggestion to try for people having the same issues with the tq.

My apologies if you felt offended :oops:


What I have described is that by taking out FSUIPC ( =dll ) it worked flawlesly.

So all that means is that you didn't need to try to use FSUIPC in the first place. Why didn't you use GoFlight's software to start with?

Deleting your erroneous parameters from the INI file would have accomplished the same thing. The trouble with providing tools with powerful and versatile facilities is that if you misuse them you can get powerful and versatile errors!

Also that when I cleared alll entriesI made in FSUIPC regarding Joysticks/buttons this was not enough to make it work. Only after deleting the Joystickpart in the Fsuipc ini file it worked.

The joystick and axis parts of the INI file are 100% controlled by what YOU do in the dialogues. FSUIPC doesn't "make stuff up". You obviously made rather a mess of it and didn't know how to undo it. The easiest way then is simply to delete the INI file and start again.

Clearing entries would mean that they are gone.

You'd need to explain exactly what you meant by "clearing entries", as there is no option labelled that in FSUIPC except when clearing individual fields in order to enter new values. Calibrations are cancelled by pressing the Reset button.

Please explain what exactly you think is wrong. These facilities have been in continuous use now for many years (about 5 for the axis assignments and 8 for the calibrations) and this is the first time anyone has come up with such assumptions and accusations. I need to know what you did and what you thought you were doing!

Also on his pc when Clearing all Joystick/button entries in FSUIPC the throttle quadrant would not work normally in FSX.

Again, this phrase "clearing all ...". What on Earth do you mean? I'm sure you are making assumptions which simply are not correct! If we are going to get to the bottom of this I really must know the truth, please! And please clearly distinguish "axis assignments" from "joystick calibrations". You can use them independently or together. They do not have to be related. Changing things in one doesn't necessarily affect anything in the other.

This was no intention of making accusations, but a suggestion to try for people having the same issues with the tq.

That's okay. But what you say is only partly true. Of course it is true that deleting the INI file then everything FSUIPC was told to do is nullified. But it is equally true that (a) FSUIPC does not interfere in any way with anything unless explicitly told to, and (b) anything it is told to do, through the dialogue, can be undone, through the dialogue.

You are implying or even overtly stating that these latter two points aren't true, and that is my objection!


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