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Panels and FSUIPC

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Hello All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to invoke Panel9+ (higher number) with FSUIPC? I've got, say 20 panels, and I'd like to assign a button to open up Panel15. Is it possible with FSUIPC? This is for FS9, but I guess same will apply to FS9. :)

Another question, if you remember, there are side views (bitmaps) in FS9. You can open them with HAT left/right etc. Can I make them sticky (not press and hold types) with FSUIPC. Unfortunately I don't remember, I think I did some retrofits using this feature in FSUIPC.


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Does anyone know if it is possible to invoke Panel9+ (higher number) with FSUIPC? I've got, say 20 panels, and I'd like to assign a button to open up Panel15. Is it possible with FSUIPC?

Use the "Panel id toggle" (or the separate open and close) control, with the parameter equal to the ID of the panel. The panel ID is found in the panel.cfg file as the parameter "ident=" in the relevant [WindowN] section.

Another question, if you remember, there are side views (bitmaps) in FS9. You can open them with HAT left/right etc. Can I make them sticky (not press and hold types) with FSUIPC. Unfortunately I don't remember, I think I did some retrofits using this feature in FSUIPC.

I assume you are talking about the 2D cockpit, as the virtual cockpit doesn't work with specific views unless you do "pan sets" or whatever with specific angles.

The view controls (View left, etc) are all "sticky". Normally the hat "off" action sends a view reset to reset the view to the front. All you need to do is program the 8 directions with views and not program the release to do a reset.



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The view controls (View left, etc) are all "sticky". Normally the hat "off" action sends a view reset to reset the view to the front. All you need to do is program the 8 directions with views and not program the release to do a reset.

Does it mean that I need to reassign the HAT of my joystick to 8 (or 4) keystrokes? I guess yes. But then, what am I gonna do with these new assignments? Let's say I've assigned HAT Right move to KEYPAD 6 (or vice-versa). So now, when I move the HAT to the right it will be sending Keypad6. The VIEW in 2D cokpit will turn to the right and stay there as long as I'll be holding the hat to the right. But I want to release the hat and still have the VIEW looking to the right. I can of course program the joystick so that it will be continuously sending NUMPAD6 keystroke to the sim, but this is no good. I think FSUIPC can help me here and I did it long ago, but can not remember. Is it (the view switching behaviour) something related to the NUMPAD LOCK status? If so, I wish I could circumvent the NUMPAD LOCK (not use it at all, it's busy for smth. else).

Also, I'd like to have a direct access to the Spot view in FS9 (from any 2D or VC etc. views) like it is now in FSX, and assign it to a button on my joystick. How can I do that with FSUIPC?

Thanks again,


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Does it mean that I need to reassign the HAT of my joystick to 8 (or 4) keystrokes? I guess yes.

I wouldn't use keystrokes if I were you -- they are inefficient and less reliable, as they are assigned in FS (keyboard assignments) and have to go through a table lookup to convert them to the relevant FS controls. Why not simply assign the controls you want in the first place?

But then, what am I gonna do with these new assignments? Let's say I've assigned HAT Right move to KEYPAD 6 (or vice-versa). So now, when I move the HAT to the right it will be sending Keypad6.

No, you should make it send VIEW RIGHT instead. I'm sure I already said this earlier in the thread? I said "controls", remember?

The VIEW in 2D cokpit will turn to the right and stay there as long as I'll be holding the hat to the right. But I want to release the hat and still have the VIEW looking to the right.

So, simply do NOT program the release to do a VIEW RESET. I already told you that too! If the release sends nothing to FS it won't change views again! It won't even know you released it! Didn't you bother to read my original reply at all?? :-(

I can of course program the joystick so that it will be continuously sending NUMPAD6 keystroke to the sim, but this is no good. I think FSUIPC can help me here and I did it long ago, but can not remember. Is it (the view switching behaviour) something related to the NUMPAD LOCK status? If so, I wish I could circumvent the NUMPAD LOCK (not use it at all, it's busy for smth. else).

Groan. :-(

Simply DO NOT USE KEYSTROKES!! Then the Num Lock is totally irrelevant!

Also, I'd like to have a direct access to the Spot view in FS9 (from any 2D or VC etc. views) like it is now in FSX, and assign it to a button on my joystick. How can I do that with FSUIPC?

There's no control to go directly to spot view, only the controls to cycle through them. Sorry.


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So, simply do NOT program the release to do a VIEW RESET. I already told you that too! If the release sends nothing to FS it won't change views again! It won't even know you released it! Didn't you bother to read my original reply at all?? :-(

Thank you, Pete, unfortunately I did not understand what you meant by 'do not program the release to do a VIEW RESET'. Let's take my CH YOKE, the default non-specially prorgrammed signals sent by the HAT through CH Manager to Windows are DX buttons 25, 26, etc. to 32. So, I'm trying to follow your logic now: do you want me to leave alone these default buttons in CH Manager and go directly to FSUIPC in the game, then assign each of the needed dx input (HAT moves left-right, etc.) IN FSUIPC to the required function without adding VIEW RESET? Did I get you right?

Thanks again, and pls trust me I read your posts several times, I'm just not as smart as you are, no wonder. :)


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I did not understand what you meant by 'do not program the release to do a VIEW RESET'.

I meant that, when programming your Hat positions, as separate buttons in FSUIPC, to simply program the "Press" action and not the "Release" action. If you do not program any action for "Release", then no action will occur when you release the hat. See?

Surely this simple English sentence makes sense to you? I cannot see what is so difficult to understand. Maybe if you looked at the Buttons tab in FSUIPC options whilst you read it it would be clearer to you? Or even simply look at the pictures in the User Guide?

Let's take my CH YOKE, the default non-specially prorgrammed signals sent by the HAT through CH Manager to Windows are DX buttons 25, 26, etc. to 32.

Sorry, I don't know CH Manager at all. I thought you wanted advice about doing things in FSUIPC. If you aren't using FSUIPC for your buttons then please ignore everything I've said and refer to CH Manager documentation instead.



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I thought you wanted advice about doing things in FSUIPC

Yes, Pete, I wanted advice about doing things in FSUIPC and I got it, thank you very much. But even before FSUIPC the joyistick must still send some inputs to it, and I was confused in this part. I hope that shows I was not just inattentive to your helpful directions.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I would like to use the controlers at the left side of the Autopilot's panel on the B737NG in FSX. Theese controlers control the MFD appearence, like the display scale, the EFIS display mode, VOR, Airport apperance on the diplay, etc. I have an individual autopilot control hardware and I would like to use theese features via FSUIPC. I have separated MFD for the pilot and the co-pilot with WideFS and FSUIPC. Is it possible that I set the range, mode, etc for each display, separately?

Thank you for your time!



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I would like to use the controlers at the left side of the Autopilot's panel on the B737NG in FSX. Theese controlers control the MFD appearence, like the display scale, the EFIS display mode, VOR, Airport apperance on the diplay, etc. I have an individual autopilot control hardware and I would like to use theese features via FSUIPC. I have separated MFD for the pilot and the co-pilot with WideFS and FSUIPC. Is it possible that I set the range, mode, etc for each display, separately?

Unfortunately, like those in previous versions of FS, those EFIS controls in the default 737 are inaccessible by anything other than the Mouse, so you'd need something like Luciano Napolitano's "Key2Mouse". You'd then program your hardware to send keystrokes (possibly via button programming in FSUIPC), and have Key2Muse operate the mouse movement and mouse clicks for you.

The only EFIS controls you can assign directly are

Decrease decision height

Increase decision height

Kohlsman dec

Kohlsman inc (these are for QNH setting)

Barometric std pressure

This is because these are all assignable FS controls. All of the other facilities are local to the code supporting the panel, and they are not even amenable to the recent Mouse Macro facilities added to FSUIPC.





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