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FSUIPC4 multiple ini?

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Is there a way to get multiple ini's in FSUIPC4? ControlName= in fsx.cfg doesn't seem to do anything. Or some other way to achieve this effect? I have different hardware configurations and use different fsx.cfg variants for them, and would like to match FSUIPC options to them, as I did in FSUIPC3.

scott s.


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Is there a way to get multiple ini's in FSUIPC4? ControlName= in fsx.cfg doesn't seem to do anything. Or some other way to achieve this effect? I have different hardware configurations and use different fsx.cfg variants for them, and would like to match FSUIPC options to them, as I did in FSUIPC3.

Interesting -- I didn't think anyone used that facility, so when I did the re-write for FSX I quietly dropped it.

I expect I could add it again. I'll have a look. Not this week though.



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I found it really useful!!! I have both a stick and yoke, with different assignments and calibrations depending on which I have plugged in. Multi fs9.cfg with matching fsuipc.ini is a life saver. It would be great to have it back if possible.

scott s.


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I found it really useful!!! I have both a stick and yoke, with different assignments and calibrations depending on which I have plugged in. Multi fs9.cfg with matching fsuipc.ini is a life saver. It would be great to have it back if possible.

That's the thing. I thought the need for separate CFGs for different assignments and calibrations was removed when I added the Axis Assignment facilities into FSUIPC. Both assignments and calibrations can be made aircraft-specific, and using "ShortAircraftNameOK=Substring" you can easily make it all automatically change from one set to another without even reloading FS!

Have a look. If that's all you want to do I'd rather it was done that way than add the multiple INI file facilities back.



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I do use the aircraft specific options, which works really well along with shortname. My yoke takes up a lot of deskspace, and sometimes I just want to use the stick for some quick work, esp when I am doing scenery development. I guess it's mainly the roll, pitch, and throttle axis settings, I don't think there is a problem with duplicate button settings.

scott s.


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I do use the aircraft specific options, which works really well along with shortname. My yoke takes up a lot of deskspace, and sometimes I just want to use the stick for some quick work, esp when I am doing scenery development. I guess it's mainly the roll, pitch, and throttle axis settings, I don't think there is a problem with duplicate button settings.

I'll look at the multiple INI thing for FSUIPC4 next week. Certainly, if it isn't too complex I'll add it fairly quickly.



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I'll look at the multiple INI thing for FSUIPC4 next week. Certainly, if it isn't too complex I'll add it fairly quickly.

Well, it would be easy if I could find out what CFG file FS is using. That's a problem, as it doesn't appear to be using the standard Private Profile calls any more. I've no easy way of even finding the routine it is using, not without a lot of hacking -- and it is a lot, because I've no idea either even which FSX module I'd need to look into.

There looks to be another way, though. Instead of adding the [FSUIPC] section to the FSX.CFG file, you can make copies of FSX.EXE with different names, in your main FSX folder. When you run a renamed FSX it looks for aCFG file with the same name. For instance if you run "FSX_for_Props.exe" it will read (or generate) a file "FSX_for_Props.cfg" in the usual Documents & Settings folder.

I think I can make FSUIPC4 determine the 'new name' for FSX and do something with that. e.g. strip "FSX" off if it is at the beginning and append the rest to the FSUIPC4 names, so in this example you'd get



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How does that sound?



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That sounds like a solution to my problem, Pete - we discussed this a while back.

I'm currently running three different FSUIPC ini files and renaming them as necessary when I change control setups - the reason being that FSUIPC wants to call both my joystick and the throttle quad "controller 2" (the yoke is controller 3, the pedals controller 1).

I can't leave the yoke and stick and TQ all plugged in at the same time, it's either "stick" or "yoke and quad", so to avoid my stick movements controlling engines, I need multiple FSUIPC.ini files.

I think the solution you just outlined would solve me occasionally forgetting to rename ini files - it's actually exactly how I used to run FS9 with one for the Dodosim B206, one for 4-engine setups and one for 2-engine setups.

Ian P.

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