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Paid the fee, Got the Reg., Dwnlde: Everything working OK!!

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Everyone here seems to be having one trouble or another. Not me. I paid the fee for both WideFS and FSUIPC on line, received the reg codes via email, installed the new DLL versions in Modules, used the old .ini files, and everything is working!

Even GPSout runs MicroSoft Streets and Trips via com1: on second (older) computer.

I think I'm ready for FS2004.

Good work and thanks Pete!


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Well.... WideFs and Wideclient just gave me a scare :)

I have been running with IPX and W2K for ages with no worries. Now when I just installed the new version WideFs stopped and Wideclient gave me a message about needing a Servername when running under TCP/IP.

The problem was solved quickly by adding UseTCPIP=No into the ini-files. Pete, you might add a note to the manual that this MUST now be in the ini's :)

Otherwise, everything seems to be fine - up to now ...

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The problem was solved quickly by adding UseTCPIP=No into the ini-files. Pete, you might add a note to the manual that this MUST now be in the ini's :)

Oh, dear. I can't win!

Due to poular demand I changed the default mode of WideFS to TCP/IP long ago. Unfortunately I forgot to remove the parameter "UseTCPIP=No" from the INI files supplied. I got loads of emails telling me it didn't work!

So, I remove the parameter so now it behaves correctly according to the documentation. And I get problems reported by folks, the other way round!?

Really you should keep your INI files. If you replace them every time you update your copy of WideFS (or FSUIPC or anything) you risk losing anything you've set up to get it working well on your system. Most folks use things like the Run options in the INI files to load up ancillary programs, expecially on the clients. Are you re-entering such things on every update? It doesn't make sense.

Maybe I should simply remove the sample INI files from the ZIP and force everyone to either use their existing ones or make them from scratch?



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Really you should keep your INI files. If you replace them every time you update your copy of WideFS (or FSUIPC or anything) you risk losing anything you've set up to get it working well on your system. Most folks use things like the Run options in the INI files to load up ancillary programs, expecially on the clients. Are you re-entering such things on every update? It doesn't make sense.

Maybe I should simply remove the sample INI files from the ZIP and force everyone to either use their existing ones or make them from scratch?



Naa Pete,

see my other post to the same issue - I think a note saying that the UseTCPIP=No MUST be in the ini-file if somebody is using good old IPX is probably sufficient - at least as far as I can see. I was not complaining - problem was solved quickly and my post was just a heads-up.

I did not overwrite my existing ini-files, just copied the dll and the exe (in fact I never do) for the reasons you describe.

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Remember reading in the FSUIPC installation instructions some time ago that is was recommended to delete the inifile when installing a new version :?

Yeah, I changed that way back, soon after the first version 2 came out I think. It now says to only do that if you skipped a few years of updates .. well, that's an exaggeration, but it is something like that.

These days many folks have too much invested in the parameters -- all their favourite settings, key and button assignments, calibrations, and so on. I take a lot of steps now in the code to delete obsolete parameters and add new ones so that the INI is still okay. It even preserves these for unregistered copies, even though many are not being applied until after registration.



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