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hello Peter im having a problem getting my keys to register both fsuipc and widefs, i have had these programs for several years and i have never had this problem before.

i had to reload and format my hard drive and after i reloaded everything i got to the part of putting in my keys and they will not work.

i run FS9 and i was running 3.85 and and i look on your website and saw a newer version and in put that one in 3.90 and it would not take the keys that i had, so i decided to put back in the older version and still i cannot get the keys to work.

also i noticed that the digital signature has another name in it and not yours.

im sure im not what i might be doing wrong , but im sure i put the keys in correctly, i have done it several times.


  Camtech said:

i run FS9 and i was running 3.85 and and i look on your website and saw a newer version and in put that one in 3.90 and it would not take the keys that i had, so i decided to put back in the older version and still i cannot get the keys to work.

Can you elaborate, please? Be more explicit? Are you assigning keypresses to FS or FSUIPC controls, in the "Keys" tab in FSUIPC options, or are you using joystick buttons and assigning keystrokes to them, in the "buttons" tab?

As well as distinguishing between these, can you also give some explicit examples, please. i cannot really help in a vacuum. i have to understand what exactly you are trying to do and what it is you get as a result.

also i noticed that the digital signature has another name in it and not yours.

Yes, it is of simFlight, my publishers -- they own this website and run SimMarket. The "Peter L. Dowson" signature expires this August, after which the program will not work at all. None of the certificate authorities now sell certificates to individuals, only Companies, so simFlight kindly stepped in and purchased the certificate for me. I have changed this early so there is a good overlap -- hopefully not too many folks will get a sudden problem in August.





im sorry , what i mean is that i cannot register it.

the keys that i got when i bought the software does not work and i have used it it before many times.

for some reason it will not accept it.

for both fsuipc and wide view.

the current software is 3.85 and i upgraded to your 3.90 and my register keys would not work , and then i decided to go back to 3.85 and it still would not work.

im sorry if i was not clear.......Thanks...Robert

  Camtech said:
im sorry , what i mean is that i cannot register it.

Ah, something completely different!

the keys that i got when i bought the software does not work and i have used it it before many times.

for some reason it will not accept it.

for both fsuipc and wide view.

WidevieW is by Luciano Napolitano and not anything of mine. Perhaps you mean WideFS?

the current software is 3.85 and i upgraded to your 3.90 and my register keys would not work

Why are you re-registering in any case? Updating the version is merely a matter of copying in the newer DLL. It doesn't affect Registration at all.

Ah .. is this because of "i had to reload and format my hard drive", I just noticed?

When you say it doesn't accept your registration, do you mean it actually rejects it when you enter it in the dialogue, or that it is accepted there but then FS still shows as unregistered next time you run it?

If the former, then you are most certainly making a mistake. Maybe you are spelling your name differently, or your email address is not right? As the documentation points out, all three parts of what you enter MUST be correct, exactly as you were first informed. The name and email address are part of how it identifies you, uniquely.

It amazes me how many ways folks have of mis-spelling their own names! ;-)




yes peter im embarrassed, my email address was wrong at the back end , it was .com instead of .net.

you have a lot of patients and im thankful for that. all is well and have a great day.........Robert

  • 1 month later...

ive just bought version 3.90. in the user's guide, i see that before installing i should check for the digital signature. after right clicking on fsuipc.dll & selecting properties, i see only a 'general' tab. i decided to download version 3.90 to a second, new computer, & i got the same result. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?

the user's guide says

"WARNING: Do NOT keep multiple versions of FSUIPC (or any other module) in your Modules folder with simple renaming. If they are in that folder and still have the file type ―DLL‖ (or one beginning with DLL) they will still be loaded and used by Flight Simulator."....."If duplicate copies of FSUIPC are running inside Flight Simulator you will get some odd effects which will be hard to pin down."

is this telling me to delete the fsuipc.dll module that already exists in the modules folder before installing the newer 3.90 version?

is this telling me to delete the fsuipc.dll module that already exists in the modules folder before installing the newer 3.90 version?

No its telling you not to rename the file to something like OLDfsuipc4.dll or 4505fsuipc4.dll as these could still actually load into the simulator. You could rename the file to fsuipc4.dll.4505 to save as a back-up and this would not load into FS, you just have to make sure the filename doesn't end in .dll I have many back-ups renamed similar to the last example and have no problems.

  teeb57 said:
ive just bought version 3.90. in the user's guide, i see that before installing i should check for the digital signature. after right clicking on fsuipc.dll & selecting properties, i see only a 'general' tab. i decided to download version 3.90 to a second, new computer, & i got the same result. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?

Are you by any chance doing this whilst it is still in the ZIP file? Even an ordinary text file has more than "General". All my DLLs and EXEs also have "Version", and all DLLs and EXEs have "Summary". I suspect you aren't looking at the right thing, or right place.

is this telling me to delete the fsuipc.dll module that already exists in the modules folder before installing the newer 3.90 version?

No, not normally. Two files with the same name cannot coexist in the same folder, so when you put the new one in it replaces the one that is there -- if it doesn't (because of some protection setting in Vista or Windows 7), then, yes, you would need to delete the old one first as the new one might otherwise be called "FSUIPC - Copy.DLL" or similar. Unfortunately FS doesn't care about the name, it loads any DLL that "fits" from the modules folder -- and sometimes from the main FS folder too, though that may have only been FS2002.




Andy, Pete, thank you both for that. yes pete, im looking at the .dll folder while its still in the zip file. ill try doing this another way. thanks again you guys

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