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Today I downloaded the current versions of both products. I purchased the registration keys on 12/04/2006. Order number 294851. Are these keys no longer valid for the current version of these products? I installing them on a new computer I purchased with VISTA 64.

Thank You.


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Today I downloaded the current versions of both products. I purchased the registration keys on 12/04/2006. Order number 294851. Are these keys no longer valid for the current version of these products? I installing them on a new computer I purchased with VISTA 64.

FSUIPC4 and WideFS7 are new versions for FSX/ESP only. The completely different design of those recent Microsoft programs necessitated a complete re-write, so they are new programs, not simply updates of the old ones. Your purchase of FSUIPC3 and WideFS6 covers FS2004 and earlier only.



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I'm confused. Below is the information on the order. It states that I ordered FSUIPC 4 and WIDEFS7. Not FSUIPC 3 and WIDEFS 6. What am I missing?

Order Date: Monday 04 December, 2006

Products Ordered:

1 x PETE DOWSON - FSUIPC4 (2068) = EUR 36.00

Information/Your Registration Key: Name: Bill McCracken

Email: wmccracken221622@comcast.net



Thank You.


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I'm confused. Below is the information on the order.

NEVER EVER publish all your details like that! it is an open invitation to pirates to publish them all over the Internet, and before long there will be hundreds of FSUIPC users masquerading as you. I shall probably have to disable those keys now!

It states that I ordered FSUIPC 4 and WIDEFS7. Not FSUIPC 3 and WIDEFS 6. What am I missing?

What makes you think you are missing anything? If you were originally inquiring here about only FSUIPC4 and WideFS7, then what on earth was the problem? I merely explained that FSUIPC4 + WideFS7 were not the same products as FSUIPC3 + WideFS6. But you've not changed products in any case!

However, now I think you might need to re-purchase them in any case, having published them openly with all your details. Or appeal to SimMarket for replacements, see if they look kindly on such a flagrant violation of privacy.



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My original problem was that the key for FSUPIC4 would not work with the current downloaded FSUPIC4.

Ah, well, you did not say that. :-(

What exactly was the problem? If the registration is rejected outright then in 99% of cases it is because you made an error in the details being entered. All 3 fields must be exactly correct. The other 1% are the pirated keys which have been blocked.



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Ok Pete,

I purchased a new set of registration keys yesterday. Tried to register FSUIPC4 and it tells me "Sorry this is not a valid 12-character key". I have had your products for many years. This is the first time I have had so much problem with keys. I reinstalled the FSUIPC that I downloaded from your site a few days ago. The version I was having trouble with at the beginning of this post. I am on VISA 64 new computer. Yesterday when I purchsed the keys there were no files offered to download. So I thought I could just use the previously downloaded files and reinstall.

What am I doing wrong?


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What am I doing wrong?

You must be entering something incorrectly. There's no other possibility if that's the response.

I've done a search. Both sets of keys, were in this name and address:

Bill McCracken


Are you entering these details EXACTLY like this?

And the Keys MUST be exact too. It is easy to mix up 0's and O's, 1's and l's, 2's and Z's, 5's and S's, depending on the font you are using. Best always to cut and paste all the details.

In the six years I've been using this same Registration system there's been no other reason, ever, for the keys to be rejected outright like this except for the few known banned keys (those published by users and distributed by pirates) -- excepting in the very first release of FSUIPC3 which would not handle accented characters correctly, fixed within a week of release.

If you really do believe you are entering all three fields correctly, please ZIP up the FSUIPC4.KEY file along with the Install LOG file (both from the FSX Modules folder) and send to me at petedowson@btconnect.com.

I'm away for 8 days from Wednesday.



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I found the problem. I had recently changed my email address. I ordered the new keys with the new email address. So I thought that was the email address the registration was looking for. It was looking for the old email address.

Now all I have to do is get past VISTA 64 security issues to allow FSUIPC and WIDEFS to communicate.

Thanks for all your help.


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Now all I have to do is get past VISTA 64 security issues to allow FSUIPC and WIDEFS to communicate.

WideServer is built into FSUIPC4 so it has no problems talking to it. If you mean WideServer talking to WideClient, there should be no problems if you either turn off the firewall or let ports 8002 and 9002 through for FSX/WideClient.


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I have tried both opening the ports and turning off the firewall on the FSX VISTA 64 computer. Neither have worked.

On the WideClient computer I get the message "Waiting for a connection".

I have ServerIPAddr= with the IP address in the WideClient.ini file on the WideClient computer.

I have done this before with XP OS with no problems. What might I be missing with VISTA 64.



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I found the problem. I forgot to share the FS drive on the new computer.

Neither FSUIPC nor WideFS care about file sharing access -- they don't use it.

I also added:

Protocol=TCP to WideClient.ini

I had the ServerIPAddr= already in there. But I think the problem was not sharing the FS drive.

No, it was the Protocol. If you had to explicitly set the Server name or address then probably the broadcasting isn't working (workgroup names different, probably). When you tell it which server to connect to you need to tell it what protocol to use as well, because otherwise it only gets told by the broadcasts.



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