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CH Rudder and Toe Brakes Programming

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Today's quandry is regarding rudder and toe brakes. I disabled them in FS9 and then programmed and calibrated them in FSUIPC. When I went to use them I found that the left rudder was barely responding and neutral pedal resulted in slight rudder deflection. The toe brake responses seem to make no sense as all as it appears that right brake application results in full right nosewheel movement and then no way to center it again (eben though the brakes should have nothing to do with the nosewheel).

My Axis Assignments were thusly:

Rudder (Z)

Delta 256 at Neutral pedal position IN 0 OUT 0

Full Left Rudder IN 16383 OUT 16254 return to neutral position IN 0 OUT -130

Full Right Rudder IN -16384 OUT -16384 return to neutral IN 0 OUT 0

Left Brake (X)

Neutral IN 16783 OUT 16783 Brake applied IN -16384 OUT-16384

Right Brake (Y)

Neutral IN 16383 OUT 16383 Applied IN -16384 OUT -16384


Left Brake IN 0 OUT 8192 MIN -16380 MAX 16380

Right Brake IN -715 OUT 0 MIN -130 MAX 16380


IN 0 OUT -16384 MIN IN 16254 OUT 0 CTR IN 16254 OUT 16254 MAX IN 16380 OUT 16380

These numbers seem like they may be out of whack as the minimums are different for each brake but I was hoping someone who understands the calibration (as I obviously do not) might be able to better interpret what I am seeing.

Thank you

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Today's quandry is regarding rudder and toe brakes. I disabled them in FS9 and then programmed and calibrated them in FSUIPC. When I went to use them I found that the left rudder was barely responding and neutral pedal resulted in slight rudder deflection. The toe brake responses seem to make no sense as all as it appears that right brake application results in full right nosewheel movement and then no way to center it again (eben though the brakes should have nothing to do with the nosewheel).

It certainly sounds like you've not assigned them correctly nor calibrated correctly.

My Axis Assignments were thusly:

Why quoting figures from the assignments tab? They aren't relevant unless you are programming special actions for Zones (on trhe right-hand side. And do not change the delta unless you have understood it and need to for a special purpose.

These numbers seem like they may be out of whack as the minimums are different for each brake but I was hoping someone who understands the calibration (as I obviously do not) might be able to better interpret what I am seeing.

Looks like you've simply not actually done any calibration. Please follow the very simple and amply explained NUMBERED steps in the User guide, in the section about Calibration.

And nothing of what you've said would explain how your toe brakes are operating your nosewheel (i.e. rudder -- FS doesn't actualy have a nosewheel). That must surely be down to an incorrect assignment.



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  • 1 month later...

It's not as easy as it sounds. Despite numbered and amply described procedures...

My Saitek rudder pedals are refusing to play nice, and I've tried everything I can think of to get them working. Like all of my other controllers, the rudder axis works fine, but the toe brakes do not function correctly.

I assigned both brake axes to "Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration".

At rest, the IN/OUT values in the axis assignment page read 16383/16383. However, with the a sligh movement of the axis, the value jumps to 0/0. Further movement of the axis results in linearly decreasing values until at max travel, it reads -16384/-16384.

In the Calibration page, I press the Set button, depress the pedal all the way, Set the Min value, release, and Set the Max value. I then check the Rev box. The results are the same... Very slight pressure results in the axis "snapping" to almost 50% of available travel (from 16383 to a near null (0)value).

The remaining 99% of physical travel on my pedals result in a linear decrease in value down to -16384. The results in the game are predictable. Slight movement of the brake pedals result in instantaneous application of 50% brake pressure.

I have also tried "send to FS as a normal axis" in the assignment page, but the results are the same. I've tried setting different min/max values, I messed with the "delta" setting, and everything else I can think of, but I can't get it to work right.

Any ideas?



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I believe this is a bug caused by a corrupt registry entry probably caused by the awful Saitek SST software, please go to the official Saitek forums and mention analogue axes acting as digital on off switches and you should get the response you need to fix the problem.

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At rest, the IN/OUT values in the axis assignment page read 16383/16383. However, with the a sligh movement of the axis, the value jumps to 0/0. Further movement of the axis results in linearly decreasing values until at max travel, it reads -16384/-16384.

In the Calibration page, I press the Set button, depress the pedal all the way, Set the Min value, release, and Set the Max value. I then check the Rev box. The results are the same... Very slight pressure results in the axis "snapping" to almost 50% of available travel (from 16383 to a near null (0)value).

In that case you could simply press them slightly, to get the zero value, BEFORE pressing the "SET" button for the maximum value. Then the calibration would be from -16384 to 0, and the "at rest" position, 16384, would act like 0.

That's the whole point of being able to set your points of calibration where you like, or in this case, where you need to.

If you'd followed the step by step instructions for calibration in the User Guide you'd have achieved this in any case, because it recommends setting "dead" areas at both extremes so that the extreme FS values can always be reached. It is even more important for toe brakes to set a reasonably generous dead zone so you don't accidently engage the brakes when using the rudder (and likewise vice versa to avoid deflecting the rudder when using the brakes). So you really should be pushing the brakes in a little more before pressing any "SET" button.



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In that case you could simply press them slightly, to get the zero value, BEFORE pressing the "SET" button for the maximum value. Then the calibration would be from -16384 to 0, and the "at rest" position, 16384, would act like 0.

No, I already thought of that and it doesn't work. Even though the IN/OUT values appear correct in that case (smooth from 0 to -16383), in the simulator, slight pressure on the axis results in an immediate spike to about 33% travel, full depression results in about 66% travel, and upon releasing pressure, the brakes axis spikes to 100% and then gets stuck at about 33%.

If you'd followed the step by step instructions for calibration in the User Guide you'd have achieved this in any case

Well, I did follow the directions. They didn't work.

I concede that it's possible that I have some hardware (pots, etc) or software issue (drivers, etc) that FSUIPC has no control over, but there's no reason to assume that I'm too stupid to read the instructions. This is the second time I've posted a question looking for assistance and I've gotten a rude response from you. Thanks.


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I believe this is a bug caused by a corrupt registry entry probably caused by the awful Saitek SST software, please go to the official Saitek forums and mention analogue axes acting as digital on off switches and you should get the response you need to fix the problem.

Thanks Andy.

I'll go search their forum for the issue you mentioned. Hopefully that will lead to a solution.


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Well, I did follow the directions. They didn't work.

You didn't follow them correctly, then, because calibration from any value you like to any other value you like is always possible. All FSUIPC is doing is converting the input values from your two limits, chosen to be anywhere on your axes you like, to spread between the whole range of the FS control. It can't possible "not work" if your axis is providing reproducible inputs.

Of course it cannot handle an axis which sends random values in random places. That would be a faulty pot or decoder.

This is the second time I've posted a question looking for assistance and I've gotten a rude response from you. Thanks.

Huh? How is it rude pointing out how to solve your problem? Why ask if you don't want an answer?


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If you're unable to see that your response was unnecessarily terse, unsympathetic, and deflected any possibility that perhaps there might be a chance that FSUIPC isn't PERFECT in every regard, then there's nothing I can say that will convince you.

The input/output values are smooth from stop to stop, so there are no random values being supplied by my controller. Deadzones are setup per the instructions. All other steps in the setup guide are completed, and I've undertaken a substantial amount of troubleshooting before I ever even came here to ask for help.

But I understand completely now...FSUIPC is perfect, and I'm too stupid to follow the directions correctly. Thanks for your help.

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The input/output values are smooth from stop to stop

I thought you said they jumped from 16k to 0. Is this following statement wrong?

At rest, the IN/OUT values in the axis assignment page read 16383/16383. However, with the a sligh movement of the axis, the value jumps to 0/0. Further movement of the axis results in linearly decreasing values until at max travel, it reads -16384/-16384.

If it isn't what you meant, perhaps you could restate the problem so I can understand it better. However, if that is accurate then obviously all you need to do is to set one of the calibration end poits BEYOND the sudden 16383 to 0 jump.

But I understand completely now...FSUIPC is perfect, and I'm too stupid to follow the directions correctly. Thanks for your help.

Well, you are a evidently very impatient and non-understanding person, for sure. If you really don't want my help, then, of course, don't come back. If you do want help, then at least try to be civil than just post insults and sarcasm. I don't need it and it doesn't help. I do try to be helpful, but I don't expect to have to wipe people's noses for them too. What I advised you to do was completely accurate given the (now apparently inaccurate!) report you posted.


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