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Cannot make FSUIPC work

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I am running version 4.60a with FSX and Win 7; I have printed off the instructions so I can assign axes and calibrate my Saitek X52Pro joystick.

These are the steps I have followed:

1. Found the FSX.cfg file and inserted the line in Controllers "Stick_Sensiti..... "

(FS.cfg does not exist in FSX)

2. Started FSX , set the Stick sensitivity to Max and Null zone to zero; unticked the Enable Controllers box.

3. Gone into FSX and started FSUIPC.

4. Selected Assign Axis, moved joystick forward and back; Data values change. Please see image

5. In "Type of action" box ticked 1st window and selected Elevator Set from drop down menu.

6. Clicked OK FSUIPC closes and I am back at FSX Cockpit view.

7. Gone back to FSUIPC, selected Joystick Calibration Tab

8. Moved joystick back and fro.


Normally when I have Enable controllers ticked the stick works perfectly; I am using the standard FSX installation process i.e. used default settings.

I have attached an image of the Joystick Calibration page, which I hope will help.

Further, I have ProPedals but cannot make them register in FSUIPC. When I move the joystick the data values change, but nothing happens when I move the pedals.

Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong? I think I have followed your instructions to the letter; I would appreciate your help.

Thank you.



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You are using the wrong options, search for the options with names that begin with AXIS.

Keep pressing the rescan button which is highlighted in the above image while moving your rudder pedals back and forth until you eventually see the rudder axis appear.


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1. Found the FSX.cfg file and inserted the line in Controllers "Stick_Sensiti..... "

(FS.cfg does not exist in FSX)

What do you mean, it doesn't exist? How did you amend it then?

2. Started FSX , set the Stick sensitivity to Max and Null zone to zero; unticked the Enable Controllers box.

If you aren't using FS for assignments, then the CFG settings and the slider positions are utterly irrelevant.

5. In "Type of action" box ticked 1st window and selected Elevator Set from drop down menu.

"elevator set"? That's not an axis command. The FS Axis commands all start with "Axis".

And why, if you are using FSUIPC exclusively for axes, are you selecting the option to send a normal FS command to FS rather than the direct to FSUIPC option?


If you want to calibrate the FS Axis commands in FSUIPC you need to assign to them. Calibration doesn't apply to all of the hundreds of FS commands you can assign to, only axis commands. Those are the same ones which would result if you assigned in FS.

Alternatively use the more efficient direct route, the first checkbox labelled "Send direct to FSUIPC calibration". Then there's no choices to confuse you.

Further, I have ProPedals but cannot make them register in FSUIPC. When I move the joystick the data values change, but nothing happens when I move the pedals.

If they are normal joystick axes, seen by Windows Game controllers, they will be detected in FSUIPC the same as they would be in FS itself. They use the same DirectInput interface. Check the Game Controllers applet in Windows control panel.



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