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Is it possible for the reverser to be put on the throttle axis like in the real world, while having the throttle work as well. eg: having the throttle assigned to 3/4 of the movement and the last 1/4 being used by the reverser?? Thanks very much for the help and a great product...well worth the fee!



  madjones said:
Is it possible for the reverser to be put on the throttle axis like in the real world, while having the throttle work as well. eg: having the throttle assigned to 3/4 of the movement and the last 1/4 being used by the reverser??

Yes. In FSUIPC's Joysticks section you have to map the normal single throttle to the 4 separate throttles (there's a checkbox for that), then go to the 4 throttles page and calibrate the first throttle with a good dead centre zone for "idle". You can put this "centre" where you like along the lever's range.

Be sure you can always find idle. You may need it larger than you think, unless you can put some "detentes" there -- a couple of pieces of soft plastic or rubber glued in place might help.

The FSUIPC documentation should help you further if you get stuck. I'm sure I put this stuff in there somewhere. :)




Thanks...I'll try it after work. It makes sense for the most part, I think the only remaining questions is: Do I then assign one of the mapped throttles to the reverser?? Thanks.

  madjones said:
Do I then assign one of the mapped throttles to the reverser

ErNo! It's as you said, the lower part of the axis becomes the reverse part. The off-centred centre is the idle. That's what you wanted, wasn't it? If you have a separate axis you want to use as reverser, forget everything I said and program the reverser axis on the reverser axis page.




Do you find that the CH Yoke has a bit of trouble getting going off of the full back position? I have to move mine several steps before it kicks in and when it does, it tends to kick in pretty heavy. Am I just setup wrong? I do have Feather set with a VERY off-center dead-zone idle. It works great but the jumpy start is a bit concerning.

  Agrajag said:

Do you find that the CH Yoke has a bit of trouble getting going off of the full back position? I have to move mine several steps before it kicks in and when it does, it tends to kick in pretty heavy. Am I just setup wrong? I do have Feather set with a VERY off-center dead-zone idle. It works great but the jumpy start is a bit concerning.

Sorry, I have no CH gear at all. Perhaps someone else can jump in on this. But don't forget, you need good calibration initially before adding in the FSUIPC effort. If the axis is not calibrated well in Windows then you wil probably lose resolution.



I stuck an foam earplug in the end of the throttle groove..and it works great as a stop and when I'm reversing i just have to pull back with a little extra pressure to engage it and when I let go the earplug reforms and the throttle is pushed out of reverse.



  madjones said:
I stuck an foam earplug in the end of the throttle groove..and it works great as a stop and when I'm reversing i just have to pull back with a little extra pressure to engage it and when I let go the earplug reforms and the throttle is pushed out of reverse.

Hey, that's a novel use of an earplug! Any other interesting items being used out there? We could start a "most unusual cockpit accessory" competition! :lol:

Thanks for sharing that with us!



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