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Hi friends,

I use the GoFlight EFIS with FSX 737 default. I know, that in this case there are certain limitations and that the key mapper can not be used.

What I managed to get working by try and error is:

joy btn control rep control sent parameter

DH 170 31 DH dec 0

30 inc 0

VOR L 9 VORAD 1 dec 257

8 # inc -514

11 VORAD 2 dec 257

10 # inc -514

Range 21 ND scale inc 257

22 inc 514


I did not set anything in the "Range-file" under control repeat/send, because whatever I did ended in malfunction.

consequently i can only increase the range and have to start from the beginning in order to decrease.

Neither the mode knob nor the mode buttons are working. Whatever I tried showed no reaction at all.

Could anybody help?

Thank you in advance


I use Windows 7/64 Home Premium, FSX with acceleration pack and a registered version of FSUIPC 4.60


I use the GoFlight EFIS with FSX 737 default. I know, that in this case there are certain limitations and that the key mapper can not be used.

What I managed to get working by try and error is:

Your nice table seems to have been scrambled by the formatting in the post so I'm trying to show it better by enclosing it in the code brackets (the <> button)

(Even then I can't get columns lined up. I don't know how you get columns in this Forum! :-( ).

   	joy	btn   	control rep 	control sent  	parameter

DH  	170   31              		DH dec    	0
    	30                          	inc            	0

VOR L	9   		           VORAD 1 dec 	257
      	8                  #          	inc 		-514

      	11                		VORAD 2 dec   	257
  	10          	#   		inc      	-514

Range   21     					ND scale inc	257
  	22   				inc 		514


However, I'm not sure I understand what you are doing. Where are you getting those controls from? And what's with those odd parameter values -- where do 257 and -514 come from?

I did not set anything in the "Range-file" under control repeat/send, because whatever I did ended in malfunction.

consequently i can only increase the range and have to start from the beginning in order to decrease.

What's "Range-file"? Where are you getting this?

Neither the mode knob nor the mode buttons are working. Whatever I tried showed no reaction at all.

In FSUIPC the Mode knob gives Joystick 170, Buttons 16, 17, 18 and 19, clockwise.

Not sure what you mean by mode buttons, but if you mean the 7 along the bottom these give button numbers 6,5,4,3,2,1,0 left to right.

If you are not seeing these then one of these things is wrong:

1. Your FSUIPC is out of date for this device. I'm using the current interim update, 4.633, or

2. Your GFDev.dll is out of date. I'm using from May of this year, or

3. Your EFIS unit is faulty.

Check the Download links subforum threads for interim updates to FSUIPC4 and for the GFDev.DLL.




Thank you Pete,

for your reply. Sorry for my unqualified procedures, but I am an absolut beginner.

First, I checked on the PM webside before I started and was under the empression to have the newest version of FSUIPC (4.60a from 4th March 2010), but this seemes to be the first mistake.

Second, I saw later last night, that I obviusly did not download the complete manual of FSUIPC. What I have ends with the installation advices. Probably that happened, because I downloaded that part before I bought the full version.

So I will check both - is the right place to do this the PM side ?

What actually did so far was (to answer your questions) was:

Button and Switches

turned the "Range knob" got Joy 170 Btn 20

Select for FS controls

In the column "Control sent when Botton pressed selected "EFIS ND Scale Set" and Parameter "0".

then I turned the kob clockwise, again "EFIS ND Scale set and Parameter "1" (because I thought this would be very clever, and finally it worked, because the range was increased , but what happend was, that parameters changed by itself into 10 miles -0, 20 miles 257, 40 miles 514 etc. after I turned the knob completely clock and counterwise. I did not do that..

So to decrease I thought it would be wise to do it in the "Control sent when button released@ the other way arround, but this failed.

The mode knob (Approach, VOR, MAP) I tried to animate the same way, I took from the menue "EFIS ND Mode Inc and used the same parameters ( 257 etc,), but in this case without success.

The seven buttons when pressed give a corresponding 170/0 etc nr. so the EFIS seems to be ok.

The GF.dll is up to date.

So what I have to do is to get the latest update for the FSUIPC and the manual and give it another try.




First, I checked on the PM webside before I started and was under the empression to have the newest version of FSUIPC (4.60a from 4th March 2010), but this seemes to be the first mistake.

No, not a mistake. 4.60a is the current main user release. it's where the documentation is at, and comes with an installer to set things up.

It's a lot of work making a full new user release, and I update FSUIPC frequently to answer folks wishes and problems. And I can't update Mr Schiratti's site so often even if it wasn't a lot of extra work -- the updates go through him. so all of the little interim changes are posted here, in the Forum -- or actually in the sub-forum I mentioned.

The only reason I suggested you change to the same later version I'm using is so we're on the same page. I can help you better if I know we are doing the same things.

Second, I saw later last night, that I obviusly did not download the complete manual of FSUIPC.

If you have version 4.60a installed then you most certainly already have the full documentation installed -- in the FSUIPC Documents folder inside your FS Modules folder, exactly as pointed out in the Installation document.

What I have ends with the installation advices.

That installation document lists all the other things which were installed for you, AND tells you where to find them. Please do have a read!

So I will check both - is the right place to do this the PM side ?

There's nothing of mine on any PM site. The main releases are put up on a "Dowson" page by Enrico Schiratti, but that is on a Schiratti.com site, not a PM one. In any case everything you need for 4.60a was installed for you already, except you forgot to read the installation instructions, and updates and other goodies are here, in the Forum, in the Download Links subforum, exactly as I pointed out in my last message and which you seem to have missed. :-(

In the column "Control sent when Botton pressed selected "EFIS ND Scale Set" and Parameter "0".

Ah, that control. That's one added by FSUIPC, in fact, and documented in the list of added controls in the Advanced User's guide (one of the documents you already have, as explained). Here is what it says:

Efis ND scale set (parameter 0–7 for 738, 0–5 for A321) (default B738 and A321)

... then I turned the kob clockwise, again "EFIS ND Scale set and Parameter "1" (because I thought this would be very clever, and finally it worked, because the range was increased , but what happend was, that parameters changed by itself into 10 miles -0, 20 miles 257, 40 miles 514 etc. after I turned the knob completely clock and counterwise. I did not do that..

I'm not sure what you mean there ... as you turn the knob you get different button numbers, so everything will change. The different parameters would appear only if there's an assignment for those other button numbers. Otherwise the field go blank and gray awaiting your assignment.

The button numbers go from 20 for Range 10 up to 26 for range 40. The GoFlight EFIS is missing the 5 nm range position, so you would need to assign parameters 1 to 7 to buttons 20 to 26.

So to decrease I thought it would be wise to do it in the "Control sent when button released@ the other way arround, but this failed.

You are getting very confused, for some reason. Both the Scale and the Mode switches represent several buttions each. You program each position separately. There's no "inc" and "dec" needed -- and if you did want to use INC or DEC yuou'd be using the "EFIS ND scale inc" and "EFIS ND scale dec" controls, NOT the "Set" controls!!! That's why they are named with INC and DEC in the name, rather than "SET".

The mode knob (Approach, VOR, MAP) I tried to animate the same way, I took from the menue "EFIS ND Mode Inc and used the same parameters ( 257 etc,), but in this case without success.

The mode switch is also several buttons, four in this case, 16 to 19. Assign each individually, with parameters 0, 1, 2 and 3, as documented. for the EFIS ND Mode Set control.

So what I have to do is to get the latest update for the FSUIPC

Exactly what I said in my first message of course.

and the manual and give it another try.

You have all the documentation already. Please, please PLEASE do refer to the installation document which tells you this!




Thanks Pete,

for your patience. Must not be easy with all the "experts" arround.

Everything works fine so far, with one exception, the mode button.

It shows no reaction at all with the 737 but works with the Airbus (both default) !?

I started joy# 170 btn # 16 Control set "EFIS ND Mode set" Parameter 0 and 10/17 Parameter 1 etc..

Any idea or do I make the next mistake. Surprisingly it works with the A 321.

Once this EFIS is working I will post the solution into the german forums I am in.

I placed my question there and got no reply sofar.

I think thats not because I am the only idiot. Often people have problems with the language.

In my case I in deed only had the first 4 pages of the manual printed out, for what reason ever, I do not know.

best regards


ps.: I downloaded the 4.633 upgrade unzipped it and copied it into the Module Folder of FSX. Is that all, because the

starting picture still shows version 4.60a - is that correct or do I have to do something else.


It shows no reaction at all with the 737 but works with the Airbus (both default) !?

I started joy# 170 btn # 16 Control set "EFIS ND Mode set" Parameter 0 and 10/17 Parameter 1 etc..

Strange. It certainly worked originally. I'll check it here. The internal commands are different for the two aircraft, but FSUIPC sends both.

ps.: I downloaded the 4.633 upgrade unzipped it and copied it into the Module Folder of FSX. Is that all, because the

starting picture still shows version 4.60a - is that correct or do I have to do something else.

Starting picture? Do you mean the "About" tab in FSUIPC4 Options? If that still says 4.60a, then that is what you have in your FSX Modules folder. 4.633 will display 4.633 and the date 14th November 2010. The Log file will also bear that number, and there will be an entry in the FSUIPC4.INI file saying "UpdatedByVersion=4633".

Use windows Explorer, go to the FSX Modules folder, and right-clcik on FSUIPC4.DLL. Select Properties-Version. That'll confirm what I am sayting.

Perhaps you have two FSX installations and copied to the wrong one? Perhaps you forgot to Unzip the DLL from the ZIP file you downloaded?



Strange. It certainly worked originally. I'll check it here. The internal commands are different for the two aircraft, but FSUIPC sends both.

Okay, found it. It was a bug in FSUIPC4. I don't know how long it's been there, but quite a long time. Odd no one's spotted it and reported it before. So, thanks ...

It is fixed in FSUIPC 4.634, now downloadable via the Download Links subforum as before. Please do make sure you are putting the update in the right place, though!




Thank You again Pete, great !

So finally I will now have the last button working and can assamble my little cockpit . No mouse-operation any more only buttons, jokes, toggles, close to real flying with my 737! icon_biggrin.gif

One last question, just not to spoil the final step forward, regarding the download of the 4.634 update.

"download, unzipp, copy to the module folder of the fsx (by right mouse copy and insert by right mouse?) and then run the installer of FSUIPC again ?" - which has to be where at that stage ? - not in the module folder of FSX ? In my case I have it in a different partition, were I originally downloaded it to. Would mean run it from there?

Thanks and good day



Hi again, sorry!

downloaded as you said, extracted and drag and dropped into module folder of FSX.

Its in the folder, shows version Typ dll, dated 14.11.2010 size 392.

The FSUIPC under addons still shows version 4.60a and the mode button is not running.

I have started the FSX several times after i loaded the file into the folder - whats going wrong

best regards



downloaded as you said, extracted and drag and dropped into module folder of FSX.

Its in the folder, shows version Typ dll, dated 14.11.2010 size 392.

The FSUIPC under addons still shows version 4.60a and the mode button is not running.

You are evidently NOT placing it into the correct folder. Are you sure you do not have more than one FSX installation? In the Modules folder you are talking about, it there an FSUIPC4.LOG and FSUIPC4.INI with a recent date and time (of your last FS session)? If not, you are looking in the wrong folder!

Maybe you have some security setting such that you can't access the right folder? Just in case, try starting Windows Explorer by right-clicking it and selecting "Run as administrator". Then look or copy again.

Also be aware that you cannot change FSUIPC4.DLL whilst FSX is running. Maybe you are thinking you've copied the file in but it failed because of that?

No one else has ever reported any problem with installing updates like this. It has always just been a simple matter of overwriting the old version!



Thanks Pete,

works !

I was indeed in the wrong folder. I always went via the program (x86) - FSX path and not via Windows Games - FSX.


I asked in the flightxpress.net-forum a week ago, if someone has the same problem with the GFEFIS, but sofar no reply.

Since nobody reported the same bug, obviously nobody uses the GFEFIS with the default 737. On the other hand I had found a report in a computer magazin, before I bought my EFIS and the guy reported nice EFIS, but not worth to buy if one does not intend to use third parties software or planes. Reason to little features work with the default aircrafts. Perhaps one should tell the GF-People to

advertise that it works fine with all features fsx provides in their default.

I offered in the flightxpress-forum to hlp if someone has a problem and has difficulties to read the manual.

best regards


  • 3 months later...

Hi Bernd

Did you make the Goflight Efis profile only for the default B 737 ?

Can you share it ?, in that case please post it or send it to me by mail to soldano@sinectis.com.ar.-



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