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Find and offset from unknow values

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Dear Pete,

im very frustate because i cannot find the appropriate offset to unknows values.

I need to know the offset from a command list that my firend give me for the maddog (in attach).

If you assign these values with a normal assigned button work fine and well, but for another application i need to know the offset and not value.

there is a way to convert the value in offset?

Hope you understand what i want.




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If you assign these values with a normal assigned button work fine and well, but for another application i need to know the offset and not value.

there is a way to convert the value in offset?

No. Commands are just that, commands sent to FS via Windows "WM_COMMAND" messages, which is what FSUIPC will do when you assign them. FSUIPC offsets are values in memory representing assorted quantities stored inside FS. You are mixing the two, which isn't logical.

If these commands are specific to a particular add-on aircraft they are processed by code inside the add-on itself. FS won't know anything about them or whatever data they might manipulate, if any. And don't forget, actions, like switch changes, do not necessarily represent any data whatsoever.

There is an offset provided by FSUIPC which you can use to send any FS command, along with a parameter if one is needed. That is 3110. Check it in the offsets table. That's about as close as you could get to driving commands via offsets.



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