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Profiles and LINDA

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Hi Pete,

could you be so kind to have a look at this post in the LINDA-Forum

Profiles and LINDA

It starts with a multiple-joystick-Problem, but ends up in a Problem with profiles and LINDA.

User BrassEm thinks it is an FSUIPC issue.

I've read through it and I'm not sure what you want me to do or say. What is LINDA doing with the FSUIPC INI file? I als saw no mention of the FSUIPC version number. If it is earlier than 4.70 or 3.99 I don't want to know until they update.

You can also tell them that the "ShortAircraftName=substring" facility works fine with Profiles. As documented.

If you have a small example which I can reproduce here I will take a look, but since FSUIPC I assume is not aware of anything LINDA is involved in (or is it?) I don't see how in the one case it handles profile names and in the other case it doesn't.

If you can make a small example which illustrates a problem do please let me have it to try here. However, please do not make it use more that two or three devices as that's all I can muster. Most of my stuff is PFC and handled with my own drivers.



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Hi Pete,

I will try if things change with the latest Version of FSUIPC4. Linda needs Version 4.708 or higher to work.

I don't now what linda does with FSUIPC.

And it's OK for me, that the "normal" Aicraft-specific-Mode with Substring works as usual.

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OK Pete, solved this "problem" by starting again with a fresh FSUIPC4.ini.

Profiles are working now.

Something must have gotten screwed up somehow. If you still have the old, bad, file, you can Zip it and send it to petedowson@btconnect.com and I'll try to find out what happened to it. Not sure how simply using something like Linda could affect it.



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you are right, I will do a new start with profiles enabled and check this for you.

If the problem is back again, I send the ini-file to you.

EDIT: Done, you have mail FSUIPC-Version

Okay, I started looking at this today, though probably i will spend more time on it tomorrow. But after a brief look and trying things in FSUIPC, I cannot work out what it is you find wrong, nor how you managed to get this section


created except possibly by entering a new null name -- which I find IS actually possible if you only enter bad characters for the name, like [ and ] . Those are eliminated leaving nothing. I may change the code to reject them during entry to avoid this.

If this is only happening with Linda (which I have not tried), should I assume that this Linda package actually alters the INI file itself? If not how can it be interfering?

So, can you tell me EXACTLY what steps you took to "do a new start with profiles enabled and check this for you." and "get the problem back", and also explain exactly what the problem is? Does exactly thge same thing happen with and without Linda?

If whatever it is only happens with Linda I'm afraid I'll have to ask the Linda developer to tell me exactly what is happening.

There's really nothing complicated in FSUIPC regarding Profiles compared to aircraft names. It is only a level of indirection. the aircraft name is looked up in the {Profile ...] sections, and if found then the other sections are looked for with that profile name. It is exactly like aircraft-specific operation except with an indirectly obtained name.



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As far as I am aware LINDA doesn't touch the FSUIPC.ini other than to add a Com entry and a VRinsight section if it doesn't already exist for the MCP Combo so that it can control it. I think Roland's problems were all due to a messy FSUIPC.ini when swapping from aircraft specific settings to profiles.

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As far as I am aware LINDA doesn't touch the FSUIPC.ini other than to add a Com entry and a VRinsight section if it doesn't already exist for the MCP Combo so that it can control it. I think Roland's problems were all due to a messy FSUIPC.ini when swapping from aircraft specific settings to profiles.

Okay, if Linda isn't really involved it makes things a bit easier, but a working INI shouldn't change to a non-working one just because you change to Profiles. I'd like to make that changeover easier if I can understand where it went wrong.

Mind you, changing back from Profiles to Aircraft-Specific would never work automatically unless all of the Profiles bore actual aircraft names (or substrings if allowed). Then you'd just lose assignments for the additional ones, if any. Not that anyone should go that way. If aircraft-specific settings weren't so well established when I thought of Profiles I would have forced the change to Profiles in all new INI files automatically. Maybe I should do that anyway.

Thanks & Regards


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I will try to make all steps again, since I startet with LINDA.

I have a working copy of my FSUIPC4.ini, befor I changed things to work with LINDA.

I will list all steps I've done and look what will happen.

To make it easy for you to follow what I've done I post (or send) all version of fsuipc4.ini.



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Oh my god, I'am so blind!

I found the bad entry and it was just a little bracket [

See this picture from ExamDiff (great Programm to compare Files)


I deleted this bracket and everything works normal.

So please don't think further time on it and I apologize for beeing so stupid.

With kind regards


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I found the bad entry and it was just a little bracket [


So please don't think further time on it and I apologize for beeing so stupid.

No, it isn't being stupid, because I don't think that little bracket should do so much harm. I'll check that here.

The format of the INI files, like FS's own CFG files, are determined by a Windows interface called "Private Profiles". The files are not read and written using normal file operations but by special calls into Windows. I will check and see what that bracket is doing.

Maybe it treats [<newline[Joynames] as the section name, so making FSUIPC lose the letter assignments. That would explain a problem whereby your assignments lost effect, but it wouldn't explain how you got a section called [JoystickCalibration.]



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Maybe it treats [<newline[Joynames] as the section name, so making FSUIPC lose the letter assignments. That would explain a problem whereby your assignments lost effect, but it wouldn't explain how you got a section called [JoystickCalibration.]

I've modified FSUIPC so that pre-processes the INI file as a normal file and tries to eliminate bad section title lines like your '[' alone. It also now prevents empty profile names being created from entries containing multiple [ or ] characters.

Versions 3.997c and 4.714, already available in the Download Links subforum.



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