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please help FCU combo AXE flaps not move

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Hello..I Have now bought FCU Combo for airbus..Can see my problem is well known..Cant takeoff with airbus exe aerosoft. .Flaps will not move even the mover are moving in the cockpit.Tried with unistall it then worked again until started up with the softwareFrom vrinsight..Else the fcu work fine for AXE..Hope really a fast update can help..a known problem..

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Hello..I Have now bought FCU Combo for airbus

Sorry, I don't know "FCU Combo"?

Can see my problem is well known.

Is it? Why not describe it again, then, because I don't know what it is.

Cant takeoff with airbus exe aerosoft. .Flaps will not move even the mover are moving in the cockpit.Tried with unistall it then worked again until started up with the softwareFrom vrinsight..Else the fcu work fine for AXE.

So you are using some software from VrInsight which doesn't work with your add-on aircraft? Why are you asking here, then, instead of at VRInsight or Aerosoft? And if everything works fine otherwise, why are you using something you don't need which doesn't work?

Hope really a fast update can help..a known problem..

Fast update to what, the Airbus? Or VRInsight?

I'm sorry, but all of the FSUIPC facilities are oriented around standard default aircraft. If you have specific problems with specific add-on aircraft I can't often help. I just do not use any add-on aircraft. You need to go to the correct support forum for that aircraft, or maybe for your hardware device. You've not even said anything about any of my software, whether you even use FSUIPC or not, for instance. If you do, please test on default aircraft. Then maybe i can assist.

And if this is a "known problem" who else knows? Why do you say this in any case?



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Andydigital is trying to help now.

The problem is with Airbus X v1.10 and the FCU combo panel from VRinsight..

After installed the software from the FCU, and trying to move flaps, you cant..you can move the mover in the cockpit...but nothing happens outside the plane..So cannot take off..

Im desperat therefore I also tried at FSUipc forum..

When googling : Axe exe flaps vrinsight...you can see its a known problem. .

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Andydigital is trying to help now.

Good. Andy knows a lot more about VRI stuff than I, and certainly about their software which I never used -- I added facilities into my Lua plug-in libraries to help get away from their software so that the original serial port devices could be used with add-on aircraft.

The problem is with Airbus X v1.10 and the FCU combo panel from VRinsight..

After installed the software from the FCU, and trying to move flaps, you cant..you can move the mover in the cockpit...but nothing happens outside the plane..So cannot take off..

Well, most add-on hardware makers, VRI and Saitek included, do not really aim their software at all the various wonderfully different ways add-on aircraft makers find to implement things, so I'm not surprised. But it also makes me wonder why you use the VRI software when you said "Else the fcu work fine for AXE".

When googling : Axe exe flaps vrinsight...you can see its a known problem. .

Well, having neither this "FCU Combo" nor the AXE aircraft, I wouldn't have done that, would I? ;-). I tend to find out about problems or questions about FSUIPC and WideFS, not about things away from my area.

Good luck!


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At all the solution has been found..

A missing line in the software from VCinsight..Because AXE EXE have been updated to 1.10..

The line added manuel to panel.cfg..it works..

AndyDigital was the man with the solution:-)

Next: Can I with your FSUIPC, program someFCU buttons to the autobrake low- med and max..??

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At all the solution has been found..

A missing line in the software from VCinsight.

Okay. I don't really understand how the PANEL.CFG comes into it -- is it installing a gauge or something?

Next: Can I with your FSUIPC, program someFCU buttons to the autobrake low- med and max..??

Are the buttons seen in FSUIPC? If so, of course you can assign them.


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Hi Pete,

Yes the VRinsight software had to install a gauge into the Airbus to enable connection to Aerosoft's SDK for this aircraft. When Aerosoft recently updated the aircraft to version 1.10 they added another gauge of their own too and this clashed with the version than VRi were installing and VRi installer was overwriting this addition. I should be fixed in future installer updates from VRi. I do have a temp fix on the Aerosoft forum and at VRi's forum which I wrote for the VRi Panel installer which makes it compatible with the 1.10 update.


Once Chris reads the FSUIPC manual and figures out how to enable access to the buttons on the MCP2A Airbus panel through FSUIPC, then yes of course he will be able to reassign the buttons. Whether Aerosoft supply access to those autobrake facilities or not I am not sure. Chris may be better off looking at LINDA instead and using the facilities available there, as I am sure there is an Airbus X extended profile available for it that probably allows access to the Auto brakes via Lua scripts, L:Vars and such.

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