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Turbulence and ASN

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Hi Pete,


since I'm using ASN I do not have turbulence in FSX.


Also in storms if I read the offsets related the turbulence the value I get is always 0 (if I use AS2012 everything is OK)


I have installed FSUIPS 4.927b and as suggested in several forums I have set off the weather setting in FSUIPC.


Has something changed or what am I doing wrong?


Thanks and kind regards





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since I'm using ASN I do not have turbulence in FSX.

Also in storms if I read the offsets related the turbulence the value I get is always 0 (if I use AS2012 everything is OK)


This is a question about ASN. They implement the weather in ASN rather differently than in previous versions. whether that then affects the METAR readouts provided by SimConnect I've really no idea. You need to ask HiFi Simulations.


I have installed FSUIPS 4.927b and as suggested in several forums I have set off the weather setting in FSUIPC.


Correct, though the current version is 4.928 and with that, since ASN takes over the weather hooks FSUIPC would otherwise use, the settings in FSUIPC have no relevance.




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