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Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but I couldn't the answer in and I didn't see it in the manual ... and I'm very new to FSUIPC.


Is it possible to assign one command to two buttons -- pressed simultaneously -- on a joystick? Basically, I'd like to reassign the trigger button (which it seems is often used for brakes) as a kind of Shift or Control key for other buttons on the joystick. The idea is to be able to perform actions by simply just pressing the trigger and then another button with one hand and thus not have to use my other to press a separate key on the keyboard, which something I know how to do already.


Hope that makes sense. Thanks!


Is it possible to assign one command to two buttons -- pressed simultaneously -- on a joystick? Basically, I'd like to reassign the trigger button (which it seems is often used for brakes) as a kind of Shift or Control key for other buttons on the joystick. The idea is to be able to perform actions by simply just pressing the trigger and then another button with one hand and thus not have to use my other to press a separate key on the keyboard, which something I know how to do already.


Buttons are not tested "simultaneously". You simply make the actions of one or more buttons conditional on the state of one or more other buttons with the latter pressed and held first -- as you then go on to describe, in fact.


This is covered in the manual. You need to edit the FSUIPC INI file to do these things, but it isn't hard. See the "Compound Button Conditions" section, around page 16 in the Advanced User's manual.




Yes you can and it works splendidly. You will have to do it by editing the FSUIPC.ini manually in the [buttons] section. (FSX\Modules\FSUIPC.ini) All the information is available on page 21 "COMPOUND BUTTON CONDITIONS" of the "FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf".  (FSX\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf)


A good trick prior to getting started is to make a drawing of your joystick and label each button with the button number and it's intended future assignment(s) that way once you get going it will go much easier.  Here's an example -


29=CR(-0,8)0,5,C65615,0 ;Trim Up   Button 8 = not pressed, Button 5 = pressed as a repeat for the control - trim up.
30=CP(+0,8)0,5,C65759,0 ;Flaps Up Button 8 = pressed, Button 5 = pressed as a non-repeat for the control - flaps up .
33=CR(-0,8)0,6,C65607,0 ;Trim Down   Button 8 = not pressed, Button 6 = pressed as a repeat  for the control - trim down.
34=CP(+0,8)0,6,C65758,0 ;Flaps Down  Button 8 = pressed, Button 6 = pressed as a non-repeat  for the control - flaps down .

36=;SPARE FOR 6  


Hope this helps,



OOPS! stepped on Pete's post :-( 


Buttons are not tested "simultaneously". You simply make the actions of one or more buttons conditional on the state of one or more other buttons with the latter pressed and held first -- as you then go on to describe, in fact.


This is covered in the manual. You need to edit the FSUIPC INI file to do these things, but it isn't hard. See the "Compound Button Conditions" section, around page 16 in the Advanced User's manual.


Thanks, Pete.  Gosh, I somehow missed this in the manual (and I bet that's not the first time you've heard that!), and I haven't yet looked at the Advanced User guide ... but I'm about to right now.  :)  I think I get how this should work.  Going to play around with it now.  Cheers!




Yes you can and it works splendidly. You will have to do it by editing the FSUIPC.ini manually in the [buttons] section. (FSX\Modules\FSUIPC.ini) All the information is available on page 21 "COMPOUND BUTTON CONDITIONS" of the "FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf".  (FSX\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf)


A good trick prior to getting started is to make a drawing of your joystick and label each button with the button number and it's intended future assignment(s) that way once you get going it will go much easier.  Here's an example -


29=CR(-0,8)0,5,C65615,0 ;Trim Up   Button 8 = not pressed, Button 5 = pressed as a repeat for the control - trim up.
30=CP(+0,8)0,5,C65759,0 ;Flaps Up Button 8 = pressed, Button 5 = pressed as a non-repeat for the control - flaps up .
33=CR(-0,8)0,6,C65607,0 ;Trim Down   Button 8 = not pressed, Button 6 = pressed as a repeat  for the control - trim down.
34=CP(+0,8)0,6,C65758,0 ;Flaps Down  Button 8 = pressed, Button 6 = pressed as a non-repeat  for the control - flaps down .

36=;SPARE FOR 6  


Thanks Roman.  It doesn't totally make sense ... yet.  But I'm just delving in now.  Appreciate the help.  I'll check back in if I get lost -- which is very possible. ;)

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