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Engine Sounds


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The engine sounds drown out the pilot voices when several aircraft are active on the screen (taxing, landing, and taking of) in Tower 2011. Is there some way to lower the engine volume without effecting the pilots voices? Thank you.

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This subject was covered a long time ago in the old forum & there are several ways of getting rid of the engine sounds.

I use a headset plugged into the front of the computer & win7.

Attached are the instructions that I got off the forum several years ago, adapted for my setup. Try it & see if it fits your setup. If yr using win 8 Ior the speakers and a seperate mic. I am not sure how to adapt these procedures to fit yr situstion. In this situation, the engine sounds come out of the speaker, which can be turned down & the commands out of the heaset. works fine for me.

Kev M


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