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P3dv3 door logic

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Hi all,


First of all, sorry if the answer to the following question has already been given. I dis a seach on this forum and on Internet without any success.


Here is my problem :


With P3d v2.5, i used to open and close my aircraft's doors via switches and switches assignement inFSUIPC using Offset Byte togglebit : 3367 with parameters 1,2,4. I also wrote a lua script with this offset and all went ok.

I upgraded to P3D v3 (and FSUIPC 4.946) and i can only open or close the left doors. Right doors and cargo doors stay closed. Using the Toggle_Aircraft_Exit doesn't work better.


Do you have any idea of what i am doing wrong ?


Thanks a lot for your help.




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Hi all,


First of all, sorry if the answer to the following question has already been given. I dis a seach on this forum and on Internet without any success.


Here is my problem :


With P3d v2.5, i used to open and close my aircraft's doors via switches and switches assignement inFSUIPC using Offset Byte togglebit : 3367 with parameters 1,2,4. I also wrote a lua script with this offset and all went ok.

I upgraded to P3D v3 (and FSUIPC 4.946) and i can only open or close the left doors. Right doors and cargo doors stay closed. Using the Toggle_Aircraft_Exit doesn't work better.


Do you have any idea of what i am doing wrong ?


Can you try the current version, 4.947? There was actually an interim update, 4.946a, released within hours of 4.946, which fixed this amongst other things.


It was due to a different way P3Dv3 listed the controls -- they split the total list in two and FSUIPC was not picking up the second half, so missing many of the controls including that one.






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Hi Pete,


Many thanks for your very quick answer.

Downloaded and installed v 4.947 (october the 8th in FSUIPC main page module) and unfortunatly, the doors don't work better.

Whatever the parameter number is (0,2,4 or 8), when i press on the programmed switch, the left forward and aft doors open or close but nothnig happens with the right doors nor the cargo ones...


Will go on testing.




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Whatever the parameter number is (0,2,4 or :cool:, when i press on the programmed switch, the left forward and aft doors open or close but nothnig happens with the right doors nor the cargo ones...


For "toggle aircraft exit" , when used normally, it needs the "Select 1, 2, 3, or 4 control afterwards. With FSX (not tried with P3Dv3) you could put the parameter in the control. But then it's parameter = 1 for main doors, 2 for next, 3 for next, 4 for next, if 4 separate door operations are supported.


Certainly the standard door control (shift+E then 1, 2, 3, or 4 on the main keyboard) is working here for me with P3Dv3.


The offset 3367 acts upon the bits,, 0, 1,2 or 3 (togglebis 1,2,4,8) in exactly the same way in P3Dv3, it just sends the toggle aircraft exit with the correct subsequent control.


Try using the logging in FSUIPC to see what is happening -- event logging. If the controls are being sent, whether from FSUIPC offset changes or by using the keyboard, and the aircraft doors don't respond, then maybe it's the aircraft?



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Hi Pete;


Thanks for trying to help me !

I installed fsuipc 4.947b (fresh install, nothing in the module folder before that).


with my favorite aircraft (738 PROSIM) and with other default aircraft (i tested robinson r22, Beech king air and an other helicopter), i have the same behaviour :

With Shift + E + 1,2,3 or 4, doors are working well.

For instance, with 738 PROSIM :

S+E+1 : left forward and after doors

S+E+2 : right doors

S+E+3 : aft cargo door

S+E+4 : forw cargo door


When i set offset 3367 with parameters 1,2,4 or 8 (togglebits), left forward and after doors open and close (such as i press S+E+1)

same as Toggle aircraft exit with 1,2,3 or 4


in the debug window i can see that the offset and the parameters are well sent.


I did my test without PROSIM, nor Prosiutils running...


I really don't know why it is working well on v2.5 and not on v3. And i have the feeling i am the only one facing this behaviour....


Will go on testing....



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Hi Pete;


Thanks for trying to help me !

I installed fsuipc 4.947b (fresh install, nothing in the module folder before that).


with my favorite aircraft (738 PROSIM) and with other default aircraft (i tested robinson r22, Beech king air and an other helicopter), i have the same behaviour :

With Shift + E + 1,2,3 or 4, doors are working well.

For instance, with 738 PROSIM :

S+E+1 : left forward and after doors

S+E+2 : right doors

S+E+3 : aft cargo door

S+E+4 : forw cargo door


When i set offset 3367 with parameters 1,2,4 or 8 (togglebits), left forward and after doors open and close (such as i press S+E+1)

same as Toggle aircraft exit with 1,2,3 or 4


in the debug window i can see that the offset and the parameters are well sent.


I did my test without PROSIM, nor Prosiutils running...


I really don't know why it is working well on v2.5 and not on v3. And i have the feeling i am the only one facing this behaviour....


Will go on testing....




I'll do some more testing with FSUIPC issuing the controls. It might be something to do with SimConnect priority levels. I've a feeling L-M has messed quite a lot of things up in version 3. The changes have been pretty drastic.


Can you show me the log, please?



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Okay, no need for the log. I've duplicated it.


The problem is in P3Dv3. it is different to previous versions, and to FSX. It no longer uses the Parameter in the KEY EVENT for those events which normally, via keyboard, are followed by 1-9 (which invoke KEY EVENTS "SELECT n")..


I'll have a look at re-programming FSUIPC to cope -- but it covers a lot more than just Exits, so first I shall report it as a bug to L-M.



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Hi Pete,


Sorry for the log, i was on bed ;-)

Fortunatly, you've found the problem. Thanks for that !

I hope you will be able to fix it and, first of all, it won't give you too much work !


One more time, thanks a lot for your software without which, our sim experience would'nt be the same !


Best regards,



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I hope you will be able to fix it and, first of all, it won't give you too much work !


I'd rather Lockheed Martin fixed in as it is an incompatibility in the P3Dv3 implementation with ALL previous versions of P3D and FS! But I may make an interim (provisional) change, just for the doors. (It actually affects quite a few of the controls).



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Just installed and tested the D version....it works like before !!!!!!!MANY thanks Pete....always here and so helpfull ! I must say i am very happy to get the door back !!

In your last message, you are speaking about 3667 offset. You mean 3367 i'm sure ;-)


Have a good evening and once again : thanks a lot



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pete,


with new FSUIPC, doors assignement works well.


But i have now a little problem with LUA script. With P3D v2.5 and previous version of fsuipc, i used to open and close doors via lua script.

For instance, ipc.writeUB(0x3367, 15) did the thing very well (to open all pax and cargo door).


With P3d v3 and new fsuipc, it doesn't work anymore. It seems only 1 door can be opened or closed. ipc.writeUB(0x3367, 15) opens only aft cargo door.


do you know an other way to open doors via lua script. I saw in an other thread that there might be a function TOGGLE_EXIT_AIRCRAFT, but i don't know how to use it (even i searched on the forum, manuals and google...).


Many thanks for your help Pete.



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But i have now a little problem with LUA script. With P3D v2.5 and previous version of fsuipc, i used to open and close doors via lua script.

For instance, ipc.writeUB(0x3367, 15) did the thing very well (to open all pax and cargo door).


With P3d v3 and new fsuipc, it doesn't work anymore. It seems only 1 door can be opened or closed. ipc.writeUB(0x3367, 15) opens only aft cargo door.


The bug is actually in P3Dv3 and I've been told by L-M that is will be fixed in the next update.


Meanwhile I implemented a work-around in an FSUIPC update. Did you check? Which actual version of FSUIPC do you call "new"?


This appears in the Updated Modules thread in Download Links subforum:


FSUIPC version 4.947e only, for those with 4.946 or later already installed FSUIPC 4.947e

-- Same as 4.947c except for two special fixes for current P3Dv3 shortfalls:

--    Makes aircraft exit control work correctly via offset 3367, by splltting into two controls

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Thanks Pete for your very quick and complete answer (as usual).

I had FSUIPC v 4.946c.

I just installed v4.946e (the dll i put in the module folder). But it doesn't fix my issue.

Nevermind, best will be to wait for LM update i think.


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I just installed v4.946e (the dll i put in the module folder). But it doesn't fix my issue.


Strange. It certainly should do -- 3367 setting does work fine here with the workaround I incorporated.


I'd like to know why. Can you enable Event logging, please, and also Monitor 3367 as type U8 (on the right hand side of the logging tab) to the 'normal log', then use your Lua plug-in and show me the log results please?



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Hi Pete,


Here is the log file.

To understand, my script monitor GSX LVAR. When bording is requestied, i want to open automaticly all the doors and so in my script i have the command : ipc.writeUB(0x3367, 15)

In the attached log, i will be able to see the script running one time (the result is only the forward cargo door opens), then i open all the doors via buttons (that works fine).then i reset GSX and let the script running a second time (without manual intervention).

Feel free to ask if you want other tests.




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Here is the log file.


Well it is doing the right things:


   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66389 (0x00010355), Param= 0 (0x00000000) TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT
   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65538 (0x00010002), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SELECT_1
   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66389 (0x00010355), Param= 0 (0x00000000) TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT
   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65539 (0x00010003), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SELECT_2
   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66389 (0x00010355), Param= 0 (0x00000000) TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT
   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65540 (0x00010004), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SELECT_3
   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66389 (0x00010355), Param= 0 (0x00000000) TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT
   163302 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65541 (0x00010005), Param= 0 (0x00000000) SELECT_4
Normally (but for the bug in P3Dv3) it would send just 4 of the TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT controls, with parameters 1, 2, 3, and 4. That works in previous versions of P3D as it does in FS. The "SELECT_n" controls are what you get when using the keyboard for the exits.
I've done some more tests here, and I've found now that the toggle exit control followed by a Select works ok on its own, but not with several in sequence. However, I have found that if I send just one TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT control followed by the 4 SELECT controls, ie no more TOGGLE controls, it works!
Crazy. I've no idea what they've managed to do in P3Dv3 to get this odd result, but I'll change FSUIPC to suit. Look out for 4.947f.
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I have a slighlty different question:

Is there a particular reason why TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT closes the ATC (default atc) window?


No idea why P3Dv3 is doing that. It isn't FSUIPC. I keep meaning to report it to L-M on their forum, but they have too many far more important things to do at present.



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