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Multiple view definitions

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I use FSX both for viewing my home airport when being ATC and for flying with a C172. For both functions I have defined different camera views with the HotKeySelect option. When being ATC I select the AirCreation trike and a Logitech Extreme 3D yoke (only for the buittons). When flying with the C172 I (obviously) use the C172 and a CH Products yoke / rudder combination. I both assigned them Profile Specific buttons (and for the C172 also axes).


When being ATC all the defined buttons (Camera Views) works as they should. When flying the C172 a funny thing happens when selecting the views with the defined buttons. Two of the views work correctly (for the C172 as defined) and the other 7 buttons show the ATC views (as defined within the AirCreation trike). When selecting the defined C172 views from the menu everything is displayed as it should. I can't find anything wrong in FSUIPC.ini (but I must admit I am no expert at this). I have attached this file.


Can anybody point me in the direction where the "fault" can be (and preferably come with a solution).






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Some questions:


Did you define the camera views in the aircraft.cfg (or in the camera.cfg) ?

Which simulator is used?

How did you assign the several views to buttons?


Show the button assignment in the FSUIPC.INI (or in the aircraft specific profile, if you have used this method).




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I used the aircraft.cfg files for both aircrafts to define the camera positions.


As stated in the initial post I use FSX as a simulator.


After loading the AirCreation trike and opening FSUIPC I clicked on the Button tab, selected Profile Specific, chose New and named it "EHRD Cameras"  I then pushed each button in turn (on the Logitec joystick), checked the FS check box and selected the appropriate view. After all the views for the EHRD Cameras were done I closed FSUIPC and checked the buttons / camera views. All is operating as it should. I created these views quite some time ago.


Today I selected the C172 aircraft, opened FSUIPC, clicked on the Button tab and selected Profile specific / New for the C172. I then repeated the process of pushing a button (on the CH Products yoke) checking the FS check box and selecting the appropriate function for that button. After that I also defined the axes and calibrated them with FSUIPC.


Within FSX I removed all the button definitions within the settings / controls for all the joysticks to disable the original button settings.


I already tried to attach the FSUIPC.INI the first time (I selected it anyway, but it did not attach), so I will attach the file "again" (I had to rename it to FSUIPC.TXT, but is the .INI file).






Edited by D_Dragon
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I ran FSUIPC 4.949. I just installed 4.949f and checked the views. They are still as described above.


It can't be anything to do with FSUIPC4 -- the assignments are there and the same for both profiles. 


It must be some interaction between the Cameras.CFG file and the actual aircraft CFGs. In fact I has always assumed that the numbered cameras (0-9) were only defined in the CAMERAS.CFG, but then this is an area I know nothing about I'm afraid.



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It's possible to define camera hotkeys either in the CAMERAS.CFG or in the AIRCRAFT.CFG. The only thing you have to avoid is of course conflicts. So if you have same hotkeys in both files, I don't know, how the simulatore reacts. So you must check, if you have some double assignments.


Did you load the C172 from a flight file? Also in the flight file you might have a camera definition included.




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What C172 are you  flying? If it is the A2A C172, the walkaround feature uses CamaraDefinitions

to implement that feature. There would probably be a conflict there with you assignments.


If not the A2A C172 then I don't know what could be causing the issue.




EDIT: Looking at your INI file it appears you are using the default FSX C172 so ignore the

above information.

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I have finally found what I did wrong. :oops:  In my copy and paste activities I copied and pasted too much. :oops:  A big part of the ATC cameras was also present in the C172 aircraft.cfg (all but two). :oops:  Apparently FSX disregards hotkeyselect views when there is already one present with the same number. FSIPC on the other hand replaces the already present hotkeyselect definitions with the ones furtheron in the aircraft.cfg file. Thanks anyway for thinking with me and "pushing" me in the right direction for solving this problem. Everyting works fine now.





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