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FSUIPC4.95 crashes P3Dv3.2

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I'm having a weird problem with FSUIPC4.95 installation crashing my vanilla P3Dv3.2 in Win10 x64 on each first launch of P3D. It took me 4 days of research, multiple uninstalls and Acronis recover to pin this problem down to FSUIPC4.95 install. I would never imagine FSUIPC could to that to me.   ))

So, each time when I reboot my pc and launch P3D first time I hear some Win10 system chimes followed by Errpr: "Prepar3D exe has stopped working". I close the program and launch P3D again. Second launch produces only the chimes but no Errors and all seems to work OK after that, no matter how many launches I make. Soon as I reboot - the story repeats the same. Very weird.


If I edit FSUIPC entry in DLL.XML to Disabled>True< the problem is gone, no chimes no messages. Please help.




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I renamed wxstationlist.bin to wxstationlist.bin.off and removed all *.wx files in Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files folder. Rebooted my PC and launched P3D - still the same problem.


My FSUIPC version is 4.95 and Prepar3D.exe is:  

Prepar3D.exe version =


PS: Don't I need wxstationlist.bin at all? Does it ever get regenerated?
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Now, this is how I've fixed this crash at first P3D launch:


1. I ran SimConnect.msi installers from the redist folder

2. I removed SimConnectP3D3.dll folder (ver. from FSUIPC4.95 install)

3. I deleted *.wx files from Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\ folder

4. I switched off wxstationlist.bin file in Weather folder


Only after that P3D launches seamless on the the first run after pc reboot.


Do I still need SimConnectP3D3.dll and wxstationlist.binfiles?




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PS: Don't I need wxstationlist.bin at all? Does it ever get regenerated?


It's the list of weather stations for weather set in SimConnect and for reporting weather on ATIS and the like It is an essential file which is regenerated automatically, and updated by web downloads.


If I run all SimConnect.msi files in redist folder, do I need SimconnectP3D3.dll in Modules folder at all?


No, but it will be used if there. Why remove it?


1. I ran SimConnect.msi installers from the redist folder

2. I removed SimConnectP3D3.dll folder (ver. from FSUIPC4.95 install)

3. I deleted *.wx files from Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\ folder

4. I switched off wxstationlist.bin file in Weather folder

Only the last two might have fixed it, not the others. But without a log file from a problem load to look at there's no way I can tell!
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It's the list of weather stations for weather set in SimConnect and for reporting weather on ATIS and the like It is an essential file which is regenerated automatically, and updated by web downloads.



No, but it will be used if there. Why remove it?


Only the last two might have fixed it, not the others. But without a log file from a problem load to look at there's no way I can tell!



Pete, which file exactly do you want me post? 


Which is p3d crash log file? Where is it?




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Pete, which file exactly do you want me post? 


Which is p3d crash log file? Where is it?


The run-time log from FSUIPC4 is called FSUIPC4.LOG and is in the Modules folder, next to FSUIPC. It is always produced and always needed.


There is no specific crash log for P3D that I know of. Windows itself logs the information from application crashes, giving the module and offset where it happened. This too is always needed.  It you failed to capture it at the time of the crash (it's in the "details" drop-down offered at the time), you will find it logged in the windows Event Viewer.


But if you have solved your problem then there's no point, is there? I was only pointing out that if it was a corrupted weather file, which is the most likely, it would have been clearer and more immediately suggested by such information.



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