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Key West Landing / Departure problems


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Is anyone having the same problem as me with Key West?  When I try to land Delta and Delta Connection flights it tells me that I am unable to land or takeoff because the runway is too short.

Is anyone having the same problem?  What can I do to solve it?  I like the airport and want those Delta flights to land and take off. 

I look for your answers and a solution.  Thank you.

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Does it happen for a specific type of a/c (737? CRJ7?). Does it happen only on takeoffs or also landings? 

Avwriter's suggestion will work, but editing the a/c will change the settings for ALL your airports, not sure if that's a good idea. 

Have you tried opening the airport in the airfield editor to check out the runway in question (sorry, I don't have Key West)? Maybe they didn't make it long enough (the "red path"). 

Also, do the a/c in question also fly to Key West in real life? I'm thinking maybe your schedule contains flights which normally wouldn't go there due to the runway restriction. So at least one other option is to remove the a/c types in question from your schedule, or replace them with smaller a/c. 

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