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When the program loads for the 1st time is looks for the directory Feel there and not Feelthere. When it doesn't find what its looking for its asks approval to create the new directory which off course is in the wrong place.  Possibly the publisher could resolve this in the near future.

Since the correct directory is being used - Tower now stops after the airport loads.  I get a continued circle trying to complete the process however this then goes to a white screen.  Even using Task Manager doesn't work and the only way out of this is to reboot. I also get notification that Kaspersky doesn't like a process that the speech recognition is using which may exacerbate the error above.

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I'm struggling to replicate the issue, I am sending a new installer to Feelthere which I'm hoping will resolve the install directory issue and a few other things mentioned.

I'll post when it is live and you will need to re-download.

In the mean time can you completely uninstall all related files, either by using the Uninstaller provided or by going into each folder and manually deleting them.

Then try tower see if it loads ok, if it does, re-install again delete only the space between Feel and There in the directory filed when it allows, and give it another try.

In the mean time, can you send a screen shot of the terminals as you see them so I can see what the issue is, they should all be visable, does it zoom out to be visable?



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My apologies - Frankfurt is doing the same - I didn't check the others as its very time consuming - I also took a screen shot of the Kaspersky issue it says

'Speech recognition from the trusted group run by restricted program is attempting to receive a audio stream'  The PID provided is 9568 with a path of


Thanks for your help so far



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This seems to be a speach rec issue rather than directly related to EGLL. None of the files that will install from the EGLL installer will have any affect of the core of the Tower Sim so would not have affected the Speach Recognition. You may have to go as far as reinstalling the Tower sim itself to fix the issue.



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Finally got it sorted - it appears Kaspersky wasn't allowing Speech Rec to receive audio.  However I have quite a number of add-ons to Tower 2011 and this is the only time this problem has occurred - i.e. after the installation of EGLL.  Has anything changed within the set up of this add-on?

One my other issue with not seeing the main Terminal 5 and the South Side of Terminal 4 on the main screen - is there anything that can be done to ensure the whole airport is visible on the screen?

Thanks again for your assistance in getting this resolved


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I can't replicate the missing terminal issue, I have changed every Tower settings and can't get any of the visable map to be missing/cut off. I have tried on different computes/laptops all with different sceen sizes.... no luck.


As I cant replicate and it has not been reported by any other useres, I can only think it is a setting in your system that has been changed at some point, possible by an update without you being aware.




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On 10 June 2016 at 4:24 PM, Speedbird001 said:

Hi - I have just purchased and tried to install EGLL for Tower 2011 from the Feelthere website.

My system is showing that the program has installed but the Airport does not show in the airport list.

Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated


I'm having this problem as well. Just purchased today. Downloaded but no Heathrow in menu . I've tried loading by using the directory browser and finding tower 2011 manually but the airport still doesn't load and show in airport menu. A step by step loading guide would be very much appreciated.


Note this is sp1 add on




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Can you find the files on your c drive. There  was  an issue with the installer creating s separate directory. If not try uninstall though control panel - program files and re install, delete  the provided directory and browse to locate your tower directory and continue to install.


Let me know how you get  on.



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