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Lua friction

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28 minutes ago, Driver170 said:

I'm using LUA friction mod for the 737NGX. But now i'm starting to move over to prosim and this mod isn't required according to lapi at Prosim forums. So how can i assign lua mod to only the 737NGX as i still use this sometimes

You'd need to use profiles, and only have it loading for the profile to which you assing the NGX -- i.e. via

[Auto.<profile name>]



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No. But then with the aircraft models I've used since we were able to modify the frictions have never seemed to need such adjustment. That is the Project Magenta 738 with PM, and first the Jetstream then the Prosim versions with Prosim.

I would probably try using it on my Piper GA simulator when I get back to commissioning that again. Probably with P3D for better VFR visuals. (I use FSX-SE with Prosim on my 738 cockpit for better performance).



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