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Off Topic, General Question


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Pardon me for posting a ATC Simulators forum, non-forum question, but I have searched, maybe not hard enough.

Does anybody know how to have a signature automatically added to their posts rather than having to remember to add it?
Or maybe it is not possible.

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Okay, so I found this in the "FORUM RULES - please read this first" which I did, but did not remember, and it says to:

"create a signature file using the forums 'my profile' utility. "

And I go to "Profile->Edit Profile" but do not know where to add the signature file.  The GIF file send me to forum.iemit.com which no longer exists.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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simflight update this forum about 1/2, or so, year ago.  a lot of the functions were 'killed' and no longer available.  besides signatures moderators can no longer move and merge posts (ie, i would normally move you question to the 'other' sub-forum and can't).

i've tried to get details and asked 'can this be done' on many items ... i've never received a response from the simflight staff. :-(


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