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Buy or wait for pro?


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I am wanting to buy this tower!3d but I read there is a pro version coming. If I buy it now will I get a discount on the pro version equal to the cost of this version? I don't want to pay for this if I have to pay for the whole amount of the pro version in a few weeks/months.


Thanks, Marco

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I had to smile at your comments, ever since Tower3D has been on the market you only have to look at previous posts to see that people like myself have given information back to feelthere as to the anomalies within the ( game? ) and have had no or very little response only for joe public to produce a bat file. If only the powers to be could just take notice at what people are saying on the forum and admit that a few things are not working as they should, but then I do believe that feelthere think that Tower3D is working just fine and in some ways it does but it just needs polishing.  As for the Pro version I shall still buy it and I'm quite confident that there will be a few tweaks required when it becomes available, then we shall voice our opinions and hope that Tower3D becomes a great ATC program in the future, it has the makings.


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