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FSUIPC Problem

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Hello Pete

I have problems for some time.

It all started with FSDT GSX. Every time I opened the window or pushback at the latest, the simulator crashed.

When restarting the P3D I received the error message, from which I attached a picture to you. In the P3D, however, GSX and the airports of FSDT are not started / loaded.

I use the FSUIPC 4,957 and have all the controllers reassigned extra and not copy set or inserted.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards


P.S. ASN 2016 also reports an error message that this can not be connected.



Edited by Ursli80
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it's not FSUIPC that has a problem but your P3d. As you say P3d crashes and it seems that FSUIPC is still open and cannot close because it didn't receive the closing (P3D crash).

Did you follow what the message box says?

- Open Task Manager and check what is still running before restarting P3d !


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Hello Thomas

Thanks for your answer.
FSUIPC no longer runs after I had to finish the P3D. Unfortunately there is nothing in the box. Excluding the P3D.EXE must be terminated due to an error.

I have the only who I would like to use GSX.


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