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Problem insytalling 4.6.1

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i tried to install (more than one time) the new version (4.6.1) from the version 4.5.8, but with that version I always loose all my joysticks, buttons assignments.

To restore them I had to go back to the previous installed version: that fixed the issue.

Apparently with the new version the assignments are in the FSUIP.INI file, but are not running.

Attached the log after the 4.6.1 installation

Thanks and kind regards






FSUIPC4 -461.log

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4 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

i tried to install (more than one time) the new version (4.6.1) from the version 4.5.8, but with that version I always loose all my joysticks, buttons assignments

Neither 4.61 or 4.58 are supported, they are both VERY VERY old.

If you really meant 4.961 and 4.958, then you should know that the FSUIPC installer does not affect your settings in any way. It doesn't touch the FSUIPC INI file. It just replaces the DLL itself and updates your FSUIPC Documents folder.

7 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

Attached the log after the 4.6.1 installation

You appear to have an extraordinarily large number of devices:

      140 Product= usb pad
      156    Manufacturer= b pad
      156    Vendor=0417, Product=0130 (Version 1.0)
      171    Serial Number= b pad=0130 (Version 1.0)
      171 Product= usb pad
      187    Manufacturer= b padd=0130 (Version 1.0)
      187    Vendor=0417, Product=0130 (Version 1.0)
      203    Serial Number= b pad=0130 (Version 1.0)
      203 Product= usb pad
      203    Manufacturer= b padd=0130 (Version 1.0)
      203    Vendor=0417, Product=0130 (Version 1.0)
      218    Serial Number= b pad=0130 (Version 1.0)
      218 Product= usb pad
      234    Manufacturer= b padd=0130 (Version 1.0)
      234    Vendor=0417, Product=0130 (Version 1.0)
      249    Serial Number= b pad=0130 (Version 1.0)
      249 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
      249    Manufacturer= Saitek
      249    Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.1)
      249    Serial Number= 
      249 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
      249    Manufacturer= Saitek
      249    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.3)
      249    Serial Number= 
      249 Product= Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel
      249    Manufacturer= Saitek
      249    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BD4 (Version 1.7)
      249    Serial Number= RD004971
      265 Product= 
      265    Manufacturer= Saitek
      265    Vendor=06A3, Product=0C2D (Version 2.0)
      265    Serial Number= 
      265 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
      265    Manufacturer= Saitek
      265    Vendor=06A3, Product=0C2D (Version 2.0)
      265    Serial Number= 

Several of these appear to be identical. Are you using joy letters at all? You should do.

10 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

Apparently with the new version the assignments are in the FSUIP.INI file, but are not running.

Well, maybe it is that I need to look at, don't you think? There's really nothing else useful in the Log as it won't show assignments at all.




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4 hours ago, cellular55 said:

Attached my FSUIPC.INI

It shows assignments by joystick letters to 4 Saitek Quadrants (B, D, T and U), one rudder and 2 yokes, plus a load of "pads". Is that right? THe 4 quadrants and 2 yokes aren't all recognised when FSUIPC scans the devices.  Just one of each there.

I really can't believe this INI would work properly on ANY version of FUIPC, there are so many things to mess your sim up.

Just to pick out some examples, in the axes assignments you have both a rudder AND a throttle assigned to the rudder (device A). On one quadrant (device D) you have two generic all engine throttles assigned, no separate throttles. On the yoke (device C) you have aileno and elevator ok, but also rudder, again!

You only appear to have buttons assigned to the non-Saitek "pad" devices.

You have 5 profiles defined but have not made use of any of them for any assignments or calibrations.

Quite honestly, this looks a complete mess. I wouldn't know where to start to sort it out. How did it get like this?

These are the only "real" devices listed, and even then it sees two quadrants.

0=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
1=usb pad
2=usb pad
3=usb pad
4=usb pad
5=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
6=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
7=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
8=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel

You need to find out which of devices 6 and 7 is the "real" quadrant.  I'll cover that later on ...

The above devices correspond to letters M N P Q R S T U and L, respectively, though there's no GUID assigned to L.

Here's a corrected joyNames section which shows how your system looks now:

0=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
M=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
1=usb pad
N=usb pad
2=usb pad
P=usb pad
3=usb pad
Q=usb pad
4=usb pad
R=usb pad
5=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
S=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
6=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
T=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
7=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
U=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
8=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel
L=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel

The problem is that all of the button assignments are to devices B C D E F G and H, and the axes to devices A B C D E F G (even though there are some crazy assignments in there, as already mentioned).

So, somehow, all the GUIDs have changed and the devices therefore re-mapped. I have no idea how that has occurred, but the difference between 4.958 and 4.961 is that there was a bug before 4.960 which made the GUIDs irrelevant -- they weren't being used to distinguish between otherwise identical devices such as all your "usb pads". That's now fixed, so the future is better, but unfortunayely it has caught you out because of the mess in the INI file.

So, I've spent a lot of time trying to sort it out for you. but you need to do something too now, as I'll explain. It will be worth it to stop such messes happening in future.

Try this,, to start with. Replace the complete [JoyNames] section with this (you can use to <> button above to allow you to copy it for pasting):

0=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
A=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
1=usb pad
E=usb pad
2=usb pad
F=usb pad
3=usb pad
G=usb pad
4=usb pad
H=usb pad
5=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
C=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
6=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
D=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
7=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
U=Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant
8=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel
L=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel

Note that I've changed AutoAssignLetters to "No". You really need to take control with this number of devices.

In the above I've had to just assign the "usb pad" devices in order, E, F, G, and G. When you try a button on each you can see if those are correct, else change the letters around.

I've had to leave the second quadrant because I don't know which one is the real one. Find out by seeing what letter comes up in axis assignments when you move a lever. If it is D then just delete the lines beginning 7 and U above. If it vcomes up as U, delete the lines starting 6 and D and change the U entries to D.

Finally, I've no idea about the Cessna Trim wheel as you have no assignments to it in any case. So i've left it as L.

Oh, also delete all of the [Profile ...] sections completely. You are not using them in any case and they are only going to confuse matters.

Try all this and then come back with the results.



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Hi Peter,

it seems really a mess :) 

Only some explanations respect the cockpit configuration:

One Saitek quadrant is used for spoilers and engines, I use the other for flaps and parking brakes

The Saitek pedals should be the only device configured as rudder

The Cessna trim wheel is connected, but not yet configured

The USB Pads are a mix of VRInsight Panels and one Saitek Multi switch (it is configured to use FSUIPC macros associated to keys)

The profiles are used and running: I have those files in a directory called Profiles (attached the example config related to PMDG 737NGX)

Can appear strange, but with 3.958 everything is correctly running (until the 4.961 I never faced errors)

Next week when I will have enough time I will try to put some order here using your suggestions






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15 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

The profiles are used and running: I have those files in a directory called Profiles (attached the example config related to PMDG 737NGX)

Ah, I didn't notice you'd set it for profiles in files. Sorry. Too busy sorting out the rest.

15 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

but with 3.958 everything is correctly running

3. 958? That's was FS2004! ;-)

I'm afraid the GUID checks are there to stay because they were always intended, and the only sure way to track otherwise identical devices if you move them around or update Windows. The fact that it didn't work correctly before has cause many more problems than yours, and those only arose for you because there's such a lot of rubbish in the INI file, with out of date and incorrect GUID assigned to currently assigned letters and vice versa.

Anyway, I did do most of the work for you. After replacing your JoyNames section, You just need to make sure with identical devices that the letters are the right way around in the JoyNames section I made for you.




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32 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

as promised to let you know that after to have applied your JoyNames section everything was ok and I was able to install and properly run the new FSUIPC version.

Okay, good. 

Note that 4.962 is now released, with a problem with crashes on exit fixed.



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