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Computer Upgrade, FSUIPC problems

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I just upgraded my computer and tried to install FSUIPC but I can not get it to work. When I start FSX: SE it says there is a problem with the installation. Here is the log:

Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.961

Looking in registry for FSX install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0
... >>>  OK! FOUND FSX!  <<< ...
     SetupPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX

Looking in registry for FSX-SE install path:
... >>>  OK! FOUND FSX-SE!  <<< ...
     SetupPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX

************ BUT this is the same path as for FSX! Will only install for FSX-SE ************

Looking in registry for Prepar3D v1 install path:
Not there, so looking in:
... NOT found! ...

Looking in registry for Prepar3D v2 install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2
Not there, so looking in:
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2
... NOT found! ...

Looking in registry for Prepar3D v3 install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3
Not there, so looking in:
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3
... NOT found! ...

SetupPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\"
Checking version of the FSX-SE EXE:
... Version 10.0.62615.0  (Need at least 10.0.62607.0)
Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:
    Found SimConnect build 62615 (Steam)
    Found SimConnect build 61259 (Acc/SP2 Oct07)
Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in:
       C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL
... Version 4.961 found.
FSX-SE Modules folder already exists.
Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL"
Looking for the current user's Application Data path: 
... found as "C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming"
Now finding \Microsoft\FSX-SE\FSX_SE.CFG for all users, including this one
Looking in "C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX_SE.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX_SE.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX_SE.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\defaultuser0\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX_SE.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX_SE.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX_SE.CFG there
Looking for the current user's Application Data path: 
... found as "C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming"
Now finding \Microsoft\FSX-SE\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one
Looking in "C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\defaultuser0\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking for the current user's Application Data path: 
... found as "C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming"
Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one
Looking in "C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\defaultuser0\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming"
Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"
Now checking DLL.XML ...
... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section.
... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced.
     (for FSUIPC4, without Loader)
... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay
Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ...
... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay.
"Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder already exists.
Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder:
   Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay
   Installed "The 2016 List of FSX and P3D Controls.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay
   Installed "LuaFileSystem.pdf" okay
   Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay
   Installed "ASN WX Radar facilities in FSUIPC4.pdf" okay
   Installed "Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX.pdf" okay
   Installed "Offset Mapping for PMDG 777X.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf" okay
   Installed "Profiles in Separate Files.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4_Loader.dll" okay

All installer tasks completed.
Registration dialog exit: selected  FSUIPC CHECK
Checking FSUIPC registration ...
Registration check for FSUIPC4 was successful! (result code 00)

*************** End of Install Log ***************

If I try to run FSX with FSUIPC FSX crashes.

Thanks for your help

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It is too small to read, maybe you can write out what it says instead please?

The Event explorer of windows will tell when a App (like FSX) did crash with detailed information.

The FSUIPC4.log file you will find in your main FSX folder in subfolder Modules, actually from your install log file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Modules\

just copy the full content of that file and paste it into your message here.


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********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.961 (1st February 2017) by Pete Dowson *********
Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 14393, Release ID: 1607 (OS 10.0)
fsx.exe version = 10.0.62615.0
Running inside FSX Steam Edition on Windows 10
Module base=155F0000
User Name="Richard Hirsch"
User Addr="rickhirsch68@gmail.com"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
      500 System time = 05/02/2017 18:06:35
      500 FLT path = "C:\Users\Richard\Documents\Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition Files\"
      500 ------ Module Version Check ------
      500        acontain.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      500             api.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      500        controls.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      500      fs-traffic.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      500             G3D.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      500        language.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      500            sim1.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      515        visualfx.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      515         weather.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      515          window.dll: 10.0.62615.0
      515 ----------------------------------
      531 Trying to connect to SimConnect Steam ...
      547 FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\"
      609 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      625 Product= Logitech Extreme 3D
      625    Manufacturer= Logitech
      625    Vendor=046D, Product=C215 (Version 2.4)
      625    Serial Number= 
      625 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      672 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      672 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      672 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------
      672 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      672 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      672 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      672 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      672 --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
      672 --- SimConnect intercept for texts and menus option is off
      672 --- All links checked okay
      672 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      672 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      672 Trying to use SimConnect Steam
      672 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay
     1140 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.62615.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.62615.0)
     1140 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     1140 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     1156 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\flights\other\FLTSIM.FLT
     1156 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.air
     6812 Weather Mode now = Theme
    10203 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used
    24781 System time = 05/02/2017 18:07:00, Simulator time = 18:06:41 (02:06Z)
    24781 Aircraft="Aircreation582SL red"
    37469 Starting everything now ...
    37484 ASN active function link set
    37484 Ready for ASN WX radar
    38797 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    61609 C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Previous flight.FLT
    91594 System time = 05/02/2017 18:08:06, Simulator time = 18:07:00 (02:07Z)
    91594 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Minimum frame rate was 75.5 fps, Maximum was 167.0 fps
Minimum available memory recorded was 2791Mb
Average frame rate for running time of 19 secs = 117.4 fps
Maximum AI traffic for session was 136 aircraft
Memory managed: 11 Allocs, 11 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

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16 minutes ago, Rick Hirsch said:

Flight Simulator has detected a problem with a third party software program (add on).

Name: FSUIPC4.DLL: FS new universal IPC interface

Version: 4.961

Company: Peter L Dowson

File: Modules/FSUIPC4.dll

Do you want to run this software  (not recommended)?


just press Ok / confirm to run. That is needed to register FSUIPC4 as trusted in FSX.cfg file. It will ask/ tell that only once (which each new installed version of any DLL file like FSUIPC or other add-ons).


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