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Tower!3D Pro Cool Info in Command History


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In an older Tower!3D post someone mentioned that when they saw that a plane's speed was zero they knew they could tell them to continue taxi. I thought that was a cool idea but couldn't figure out how he knew a plane's speed when on the ground. Well, I found it in the History window when a plane is selected (the screen shot is from a plane in the air but that isn't really the point of the post). This is pretty cool info for ground (and air) traffic but takes up a lot of real estate ... and I hate taking away from the 3D view.  Any chance this could be displayed somewhere that is less real estate encroaching?  Oooh, what if the command panel could even be moved to a separate monitor? :)   

#1 - If this is a development/debugging feature please don't take it away.

#2 - I guess my ask is a feature request, so if that means it gets filed under folder T (for TRASH) I understand. ;)

Thanks, Craig 


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Yes, that was me.  I got used to using the "History Window" in the early days to Tower!3D when planes would stop after landing and would have to be coaxed into continuing to the terminal.  This windows is full of useful (to me) information.  It has the proper name names of the airlines (AMERICAN 2278), it shows when it is ready for pushback and is ready to taxi, the speed, so you know the plane is moving on the ground and not just sitting there, the direction to let you know if it is spinning, the altitude to let you know it actually took off or if you have to delete the plane because it did not and there is no "Contact Departure", and the state, whether it is waiting, taxing to runway, or terminal, etc, etc, etc.



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