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Tower 3D very jerky


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The aircraft in Tower 3D move very jerkily both on the ground and in the air. I am running windows 7 Pro 64bit. , memory RAM 8192mb, Intel(R) Core (TM)i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00Ghz (4 CPUs)

Any help would be much appreciated





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In the settings section of the menu go to Advanced graphics area, and experiment with different settings to see what works best on your machine.  In particular, you might try using a different AA setting, and turning off or reducing the quality of shadows.  Do you see this jerkiness with all traffic levels, or only when the traffic is heavy?  Likewise, does it get better at smaller airports or is it the same everywhere?  Stormy weather and night time seem to take more of a toll than clear weather during the day, so you might keep this in mind when running a lot of traffic at a big field like KLAX or KJFK.

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Just using the four anti-aliasing options along with the depth of field choice, it would take 120 different combinations to figure out the correct graphics setting, let alone factoring in the other variable settings.

I have not noticed what you would call "jerky" motion, but I have noticed what you would call "snappy" motion, and not in a good way.  Even at the lowest possible graphics setting.

It all started with Tower!3D Pro.  If you follow a plane when it first arrives, the camera angle will stay fixed until it gets within the 2-5 nm range of the airport, then the camera view will "snap to" and follow the plane the rest of the way in.  As opposed to Tower!3D where the camera would follow the plane throughout its' entire path.

Then with Tower!3D Pro SP1a I have noticed this "snapping" pattern as the camera follows the plane as it taxis on the ground.  Not that I am complaining because it is just probably me.


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We may be having some confusion over what is meant by "jerky".  To the original poster, are you describing something akin to what futureboy is describing, or is it more along the lines of what one sees with a low frame rate?

If the camera is following a plane, and you do not wish it to, then tapping the mic button once will deselect the plane, at which point you may pan freely with the mouse. 

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46 minutes ago, Avwriter said:

If the camera is following a plane, and you do not wish it to, then tapping the mic button once will deselect the plane

It may deselect the plane, but the camera will still follow it.


I say "snappy" because the screen does not freeze. If the screen freezes, I would call that jerky.  Everything still moves, it is the camera that "snaps".

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