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Tower!3D Pro - Issue with Headings < 100


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If I try to issue a heading that is less than 100 degrees, it is not recognized/translated correctly. For example, if I say AFTER DEPARTURE FLY HEADING ZERO NINER ZERO, the 090 is translated to a 0 and then the pilot responds "Negative".  In the same example if I drop the leading zero and just say NINER ZERO, it it is translated to 90 but the pilot still responds with "Negative". I've had no issues with headings >= 100.

The translation of a wind direction less than 100 is similar. WIND is ZERO NINER ZERO at 5 KNOTS ... gets translated to 0 but the command is accepted. Dropping the leading zero is translated as 90 and again the command is accepted. 

I'd attach a speech log but it would only show you the translation and not what I actually said. If you run TIST at 16:00 and select runway 10, this issue is real easy to duplicate.

Thanks, Craig

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Yes I have, and it always seems to involve a number with a leading zero, such as the compass heading. I can say heading 360, but not 000, I only get one zero. I can also say TURN LEFT 10 DEGREES, but cannot say TURN LEFT HEADING 010.


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