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Possible taxiway night link missing at KLAX


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Hello all,

I've been playing some early AM shifts at KLAX (00:01-01:00) and I've noticed a possible issue with taxiway D near the TBIT terminal and the intersection with taxiway S. I've had two aircraft push back from the northeastern most gate of the TBIT onto taxiway D for a 6R departure. The aircraft push back fine but when I give them taxi instructions they just sit there on D. It doesn't matter what runway or route I assign to them they will not move and I eventually have to delete them.

The taxiway in question (D between the TBIT alley and taxiway S) is missing the green taxiway lights; I'm thinking there is probably a missing taxi-link which is preventing the sim from creating routes.

I tried to take a screenshot but it's too big to attach.

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I've determined this isn't actually a night glitch but actually a glitch with the gate (northeastern most on TBIT). Any aircraft that pushes back from that gate onto taxi way D for a departure on any of the 6s or 7s is unable to create a path to the runways.

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Hi all,

Sorry for the delay, took me a little while to get another flight to depart from that gate but, got one today. The flight in question is LAN601, departure time of 16:13. I've included the log.


16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 6R * LAN601 =>   PARSE CMD:  RUNWAY 25R TAXI VIA D S B
16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 25R * LAN601 =>  VIA roadcut: RUNWAY 25R TAXI VIA DELTA  SIERRA  BRAVO  
16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 25R * LAN601 => RUNWAY roadcut: RUNWAY TWO FIVE RIGHT  TAXI VIA DELTA  SIERRA  BRAVO   
16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 25R * LAN601 => SAY: RUNWAY TWO FIVE RIGHT  TAXI VIA DELTA  SIERRA  BRAVO    LAN SIX ZERO ONE
16:15:08 * LAN601 => ADD HISTORY: LAN601: RUNWAY 25R TAXI VIA D S B LAN601
16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 25R * LAN601 => STATE CHANGE from STATE_TO_RUNWAY to STATE_TO_RUNWAY
16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 25R * LAN601 => Start calc route from: D10  start idx: 23
16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 25R * LAN601 => Calc from: D10
16:15:08 alt: 0 takeoff: False/False/-1 OWNER_GROUND r: 25R * LAN601 => STATE CHANGE from STATE_TO_RUNWAY to STATE_WAITING
LAN601 => ERROR: Road calculation error!!


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