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Schedule Creator 15 RFN


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I saw reference to Schedule Creator 15 RFN  but I can't find it anywhere. I just purchased the KSAN sector for Tracon 2012 and would like to create a schedule for it.

Does anyone know where I can find it.

Thanks ... Richard

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40 minutes ago, rwalls said:

It does have a KSAN sector. I just picked up up a couple days ago but I don't know how long it has been out. 



Hi RIchard.  I just looked it up, and there actually is a KSAN sector for TRACON.  It is sold as a separate add-on http://www.feelthere.com/en/product/1101_ksan-for-tracon-2012.html    Keep in mind that Schedule Creator is only what its title says.  It creates schedules for sectors that are already in the game. It does not create sectors.  It is a freeware app created by a user, Dick Parker.  You may want to post in his thread, above, if you have more specific questions.  Hope this helps clarify things.  I am a user too, and do not represent FeelThere.



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Thanks Andrew, I understand that and I purchased the addon KSAN sector. I have been using Schedule Creator for Tower and Tracon since day one. I'm just trying to find out if it has been updated for the new sectors that are coming out.


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Is this what you saw?

"Schedule Creator TRACON 11 includes the same airport data used in Schedule Creator 15 RFN. This version also lists a summary of airlines and their number of flights."

If that's the case, you'll probably need to use the latest Tower Schedule Creator to get some San Diego flight data. However it won't include any satellite airport flight data.

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